The Panamericana: The Longest Road in the World Connecting 14 Countries and the Peruvian Coast

2023-09-12 14:02:36

The longest road of the world travels 14 countries of the American continent and also crosses the Peruvian coast. This highway is known internationally, as it surpasses the Asian Highway AH1 regarding 20,557 kilometers.

This highway connects the extreme north and south of the American continent, as it goes from Argentina to Alaska (United States). It is important to note that this highway is made up of a system of interconnected highways and the first section was inaugurated in July 1936, following a diplomatic meeting between Mexico and the United States. Have you stopped to think regarding what the longest road in the world is called? HERE we tell you.

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What is the longest road in the world?

You won’t believe it. The longest highway in the world is the Panamericana. The project to construct this road arose in 1923, during the V International Conference of American States. After this date, between the 30s, 40s and 50s of the 20th century, the United States financed this project.

How many kilometers is the longest road in the world?

The Panamericana highway has a length of approximately 48,000 kilometers, which includes official and unofficial sections. The road in two parts, north and south. To the north, the route begins in the Alaska Highway area, then goes through Canada and returns through the United States, continuing through Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama.

Within the route, upon reaching the Darián Gap area, the route is interrupted by swamps, rivers and swamps. After passing through this area, you reach the south of the highway that crosses Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and finally, Argentina. It is important to note that there is an unofficial section of the highway that goes to Ushuaia.

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How many regions of Peru does this highway cover?

According to information provided by CNN, the Panamericana crosses through 10 regions of Peru. In this way, it allows travel to well-known tourist places in Peru such as the Paracas National Reserve.

What are the five largest roads in the world?

Worldwide, there are several roads that stand out for the length they cover. The five routes that would be longest are the following:

Pan-American Highway Highway AH1 (Asia) Highway 1 (Australia) Highway AH2 (Asia) Trans-Siberian Highway

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What are the most dangerous roads in the world?

There are roads that represent a certain danger and fear for pedestrians and some of the most dangerous are those that we will detail below:

Gois Passage (France) Skippers Canyon (New Zealand) Snail Trail (Chile) Yungas Road (Chile) Stelvio Pass (Italy)
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