The palpate-roll: a really effective technique to lose weight?

2023-05-31 16:03:00

The palpate-rouler, what are we talking about?

Known for many years, palper-rouler is a massage used to firm and tone the skin. “Its purpose is to lift the epidermis to dislodge subcutaneous fat. It is performed by lightly pinching the skin between the thumb and forefinger, while performing upward movements to facilitate blood circulation in the areas needed to be treated,” explains Alexandra Murcier, dietician-nutritionist.

Lymphatic drainage or palpate-roll: what are the differences?

While the palpate-rolling aims to fight against cellulite, via movements allowing to take off fatty deposits; lymphatic drainage is more for people with circulatory disorders: “It’s a gentler massage that aims to stimulate the circulation of the lymph in the body and thus promote the elimination of waste and toxins” completes the Dr Nina Cohen-Koubi.

Belly, thighs, hips…: does palpate-rolling effectively remove cellulite?

“In the sense that it improves venous and lymphatic circulation, yes palpate-rolling is indicated in the treatment of cellulite. However, it is a rather painful massage and its practice must be part of a global approach,” explains the nutrition specialist.

Is palper-rouler also effective for losing weight?

On its own, palpate-rolling obviously does not work miracles: “If it is technical, it allows you to lose weight visually since it improves the appearance of the skin by reducing the orange peel effect; this method, used alone, does not allow you to lose weight.To have visible effects on the silhouette, this massage must be practiced in association with other actions: rebalancing food, healthy lifestyle or even practicing regular physical activity that we will detail below” insists Alexandra Murcier. “The palpate-rolling is only one of the tools to take care of your body. Holistic care, taking into account the patient as a whole and his environment, is essential to have positive and lasting effects on the loss of weight” specifies Nina Cohen-Koubi.

Where to practice palpate-roll?

This massage can be given at home, by performing it yourself manually; at a professional masseur or physiotherapist and at a specialized beauty institute, which can perform it mechanically. “However, beware of practitioners who would have people believe that it is possible to lose weight just with palpate-roll sessions, this method alone does not allow it in any way” repeats the doctor nutritionist.

Manual or mechanical palpation-rolling: which one to choose?

“For those who are “lazy” to massage themselves every day, the mechanical palpate-roll is undoubtedly the most suitable” assures Alexandra Murcier. This means that a machine replaces the human hand to perform the treatment. The device will suck up the skin then roll it following the movement performed by the beautician using the device, the most famous of which is the Cellu M6® from LPG Endermologie®. The palpate-roll in institute remains however rather expensive: approximately 25 euros per half hour and is generally sold in cure of 10 to 12 sessions. “In terms of efficiency, the old-fashioned, manual version has nothing to envy to this first one” nuances the practitioner. On one condition, however: “arm yourself with a good dose of regularity!”

How to effectively do the palpate-roll yourself?

Add oil or cream

“Applying an oil or a cream will make the massage more pleasant and facilitate movement and therefore its effects on the skin: suppleness, tone. »

Massage the body from bottom to top

“Massage should be done from the bottom up to stimulate blood circulation to the cellulite prone area.” These are mainly thighs (inner and outer), buttocks, legs, knees, stomach, arms.

“After performing the palper-rouler and just before the shower, it may be interesting to perform a small massage on the targeted area, using a horsehair glove. This is a good way to stretch the skin and to exert an exfoliation effect which will make it possible to eliminate the dead cells” adds the dietician-nutritionist. To activate the micro circulation, also remember to finish with a jet of fresh water.

How long per day do the palpate-roll?

Annex reflexes to intensify the palpate-roll effect

Integrate it into a daily routine

“To take full advantage of the benefits of palpate-rolling, it must be practiced daily or at least every other day. The ideal is to include it in a pleasant routine to succeed in sticking to it regularly” advises Alexandra Murcier.

“It is essential to combine palpate-rolling with a adapted diet, favoring, for example, ingredients rich in fiber and with a low glycemic index such as avocado or almonds. Reducing your general salt consumption (source of water retention), while maintaining good hydration are other good reflexes to adopt” continues Alexandra Murcier. Without forgetting the importance of eating at regular times, chewing well and a light dinner.

Have a physical activity
Doing a few exercises in the morning, walking regularly, taking the stairs when possible, are other ways to maximize the effects of palpate-roll. On the sport side, Alexandra Murcier recalls: “Activities in the water, such asaqua bike or swimming with fins, also work very well to eliminate cellulite.

be regular
Once the palpate-roll sessions are over, it will be important to keep the good principles in place during the sessions; healthy food, physical activity…; at the risk if not, to find more beautiful its orange skin.

Work on your mindset

“When you embark on a slimming well-being process, it is important to work on your state of mind and ask yourself the right questions: know why you want to lose weight? What is our ideal weight and why? ” expresses the psychosomatician, Nina Cohen-Koubi.

“Even today, the image of the “perfect” plastic in the media exerts pressure on women. They internalize this ideal, thinking that they should be thin to please instead of accepting themselves and rather seek to have a harmonious body in which they feel good” indicates the nutritionist doctor. She adds: “All these ‘so-called effective and fast’ slimming methods, of which palpate-rolling is a part, reinforce the idea that losing weight is obvious when it is a matter of deep commitment and often requires professional support.”

Palpate-roll, what are its side effects?

Pain, aches, bruises or even fatigue can be felt after a palpation-rolling session. Nina Cohen-Koubi recalls: “Whether performed manually or mechanically, this method of massage is quite violent for the body. Some women think that the more it will hurt, the more it will be effective, but I am convinced that we can improve your aesthetics without hurting. Rather than palpating and rolling, I would also recommend massages with ultrasonic or infrared waves, which are just as effective and much softer.”

Contraindications related to palpate-roll

“The palpate-roll is to be avoided especially in people suffering from large circulatory problems (venous thrombosis, phlebitis, varicose veins, etc.) or suffering from hemophilia: the risk of bleeding is high. People suffering from cancer must also beware, I wonder if this kind of massage does not risk migrating cells to other parts of the body…?” For the pregnant or breastfeeding womenthe nutritionist doctor is also categorical: “I do not recommend palpating and rolling, you should not take any risks during and after pregnancy.”

If the palper-rouler still seduces many women and men in search of perfection, this technique is therefore to be taken with tweezers.

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