The Palestinian presidency welcomes the decision of the International Court of Justice, considers it historic, and demands that Israel be obligated to implement it

The presidency considered in a statement that the court’s decision is a victory for justice, as it confirmed that the Israeli occupation is illegal, and that Israel must stop its occupation and end its presence in the Palestinian territories, immediately stop any settlement activity and evacuate the settlers, and compensate for the material and moral losses of individuals in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The presidency called on the international community to compel Israel, the occupying power, to end its occupation and colonial project completely, immediately and unconditionally.

She considered the decision of the International Court of Justice, which affirmed the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and their right to their land and state, a rejection of the occupation, the recent decision of the Israeli Knesset, and the American policies that support Israel in its occupation and reject the establishment of a Palestinian state.

The presidency said that the decision renews the Palestinian people’s hope for a future free of colonialism on the path to achieving their absolute and non-negotiable right to self-determination and liberation.

In its statement, it reiterated the need to end the policy of impunity that has allowed Israel to deny the right of our Palestinian people to self-determination for more than 76 years, to entrench policies of apartheid and persecution, and to commit the crime of genocide that is now unfolding before the eyes of the world in Gaza and throughout the occupied Palestinian territory.

The Palestinian presidency appreciated the positions of the countries that stood by the Palestinian right, stressing that the member states of the United Nations must abide by the court’s decision, which called for not recognizing the illegal presence of settlements in the Palestinian territories, and for international organizations not to recognize the legitimacy of the status quo and the illegal presence of Israel in the occupied territories, and to demand that the General Assembly and the Security Council study additional measures aimed at putting an end to Israel’s illegal presence in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The International Court of Justice confirmed on Friday that Israel’s settlement policies in the Palestinian territories violate international law and constitute permanent annexation.

During a session to announce its advisory opinion on the legal consequences of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, it stated that Israel’s continued presence in the occupied Palestinian territories is illegal and that it is obligated to end its presence there as soon as possible.

Source: RT + Wafa

#Palestinian #presidency #welcomes #decision #International #Court #Justice #considers #historic #demands #Israel #obligated #implement
2024-07-21 13:15:04



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