The famous page exposes tricks of crooks. open business fronting Buy ads to appear on the show and post your profile to take pictures with famous MCs. But behind the scenes of opening a gambling website, a young man, Kanchai, appeared in a comment. Oops!
The page states that The trick of scammers Have you ever noticed that there are many scammers who rely on other people’s light to build their own credibility? For example, take a photo with a celebrity. Big people that people know make personal profiles. For people to think that Oh.. Even a celebrity like this, he still trusts him. And the most common person who sees people taking photos of couples to make personal profiles is Black Mod.
Even though Elder Mod is black, he doesn’t have any interest at all. After ending the program with the profession of the person who runs the programs, he is not a government official. therefore unable to check anyone’s background People who come in stains of customers who come to buy ads. or join the program going to tell them to attach a resume, it’s not Come on the show and advertise on your own Facebook page, shop or IG, it’s not a sin or if you know yourself well as a clean white business person. Taking someone’s picture to make a profile is not a sin. But..people who know and know that they are unclean, is it appropriate to take a picture of a good person for their profile even though they know they are dirty?
The page suggests that Most lawbreakers have a similar life process, often approaching famous people, having connections, going to events, taking pictures in the frame. Take it to post a chic hairpin. Put cool captions, often use sinful money to create images as saints, collect pictures to post to show off to the world. for people in social media to embrace Looks good until anyone touches it when the tour will come down immediately. And always find a business to make a face in order to deceive the aunt next door always so as not to doubt the leap of wealth
For example, husband and wife. Owner of a seafood restaurant Used to take a photo with a black ant to make a profile Even though he is the owner of a gambling website since 2016, a website called betlove, the server is located in Tachileik. current status Owning many gambling websites and owns several businesses that can launder money The page also brings the profile of this woman to post as well. with the conclusion that “Hurry up and see before it’s taken down.”
After this post was shared, there were many netizens commenting, while Young Kanchai, a famous host Came to post a short saying “Oops!”
Thank you information from Facebook Victim v.2