the Oum Er-Rbia Hydraulic Basin Agency launches the awareness campaign

In accordance with the communication strategy of the Oum Er-Rbia Hydraulic Basin Agency and as part of the implementation of the communication plan relating to the “National Program for Drinking Water Supply and Irrigation” (PNAEPI) 20-27, as well as urgent actions under the agreement signed for the Oum Er-Rbia Basin, ABHOER is organizing an awareness campaign which is deployed in two main parts:

  • The “Blue Classes” awareness program

Mainly aimed at school children, this caravan aims to inform pupils attending school in 9 primary schools within the Agency’s area of ​​action.

It will run from March 15 to 25, will target a workforce of around 5,000 students, and will be centered around the theme “Together for a same generation”.

Thus, students will be invited to a good-natured atmosphere, with workshops and artistic competitions on the protection of water resources against waste and pollution, in addition to other socio-cultural activities led by teachers and AREF executives. , with the aim of getting students to take ownership of the messages conveyed during these days concerning the impact of excessive water consumption and the importance of preserving this particular resource.

  • the awareness caravan on the preservation of groundwater against overexploitation and awareness of the possible risks that unsecured boreholes and wells represent on the safety of the population

On the occasion of World Water Day and falling within the same theme chosen this year by the UN, namely “groundwater, making the invisible visible”, ABHOER has planned from 13 to March 23 a second caravan which will cross the souks of 10 provinces and municipalities in its area of ​​action, with the aim of informing the populations and raising their awareness of the rational and economical use of water resources as well as in relation to the importance of these strategic resources, and the crucial need to preserve them.

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Furthermore, and following the interministerial circular relating to the awareness of users of the importance of securing wells and boreholes, the caravan will draw the attention of users on the importance of securing these places in question, thus protecting them from any potential danger.

Thus, the campaign will know the participation of students from the National School of Commerce and Management of Beni Mellal and the Association of Teachers of Life and Earth Sciences as well as various actors of civil society working in the field. water and the environment.

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