The Origins and Health Benefits of Rajio Taiso: A Japanese Tradition with Global Recognition

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2023-07-25 18:06:08

Although there are Japanese traditions that are hundreds of years old, some of them are also relatively recent and have become world famous due to their multiple health benefits.

A good example is rajio taiso, also known as radio taiso and which translates radio exercise. Although it is a practice that was widely disseminated in Japan, its origins are in the United States, according to the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Washington, which is dedicated to promoting Japanese culture in that country.

That source indicated that it was originally a part of American radio programming in 1922, but in 1928 it came to Japan and became even more successful. In fact, he warned that a project called the National Health Exercise Program was launched in November of that year, promoted by the Health Insurance Office of the Japan Post Office.

The cultural center maintained that once the Second World War came to an end, radio-guided exercises were prohibited, as they were considered to have a “militaristic nature.” However, the project was resumed in 1951 and began to be broadcast on the Nippon Housou Kyokai (NHK) radio station.

“Exercises can allow a person to check the condition of their body and know what their physical limits are for that day. In addition, it can help structure by providing a routine in a person’s life,” said the Japanese Community and Cultural Center of Washington.

The rajio taiso includes several warm-up exercises. | Photo: Getty Images

For this reason, they highlighted that the directors of schools and companies have decided to implement these routines both in the morning and following lunch.

Rajio taiso has become very popular in some western countries. | Photo: skynesher

“It is even said that rajio taiso is a big reason why life expectancy is so long in Japan,” the Japanese cultural center noted.

What do the routines of the rajio taiso consist of?

Unlike other training programs and exercise routines, rajio taiso practices are relatively simple and characterized by low intensity.

The Spanish newspaper Mundo Deportivo warns that these exercises are warm-up. To begin with, he recommends the aforementioned means, it is enough to stop and allow the body to stretch. Then, simply do some knee bends, in order to activate the legs.

Therefore, the following exercise should include extending the legs and opening the chest in order to improve posture. Later, inclinations to both sides can be included, in order to increase lateral flexibility.

The WHO warns that physical activity is key to good health. | Photo: Oliver Rossi

Finally, he maintains that turns can be made from left to right, allowing the arms to swing freely. The idea, says Mundo Deportivo, is that it is a dynamic movement that allows the spine to be active, makes the body feel lighter and also improves flexibility.

In case people want to delve deeper into this practice, on platforms like YouTube there are some Radio Taiso content, which are easy to follow and provide tips on how to do these routines.

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