“The Original Color Circle: Understanding the Last Days through Prophetic Warnings and Current Events”

2023-05-08 04:59:04

The original color circle is the answer

“The prophets prophesy lies, and the priests rule as the false prophets say, and my people love this. What will you do in the last days?” (Jeremiah 5:31)

1. Kishida came back
passed through Jeonju, Seoul, Masan, Suwon, and Gwangju and reached Chuncheon today. “Why on earth are priests doing this?” I hear complaints from In fact, it is a question we ask ourselves at the dawn of the day. Why are we doing this? But we also want to ask. Is it a good time to stay still, no, is it a time to stay still? Park Geun-hye, who said “Be still on the Sewol ferry” (April 16, 2014), and Rhee Seung-man, who said “Be still, in Seoul” (June 27, 1950), are gone, so why do they just sit around without knowing that the day is going to go down? Of course, there are times when you have to be patient. So, successive ‘diplomatic failures’ / ‘false explanations’ for numerous controversies / ‘people’s life’ that forcefully cuts taxes and welfare amid the economic crisis / ‘Duke’s prosecutors who turn a blind eye to the corruption of the president’s couple and focus only on the investigation of the opposition party leader ‘/ Destroying ‘freedom of the press’ by excluding boarding of the President’s plane on MBC, promoting YTN privatization, etc./ ‘Privatization’ of public assets/ Ignoring ‘labor rights’ such as the Severe Accident Punishment Act, Yellow Envelope Act, and safe fare system/ Accident prevention and rescue failed, but the truth We had no choice but to pray silently while watching the ‘Itaewon Disaster’ that turned away from investigation. Even on the day when the foreign media nagged him that “the Korean president must learn the basics” (The Economist), even though his incompetent and self-righteous actions caused havoc in each field of politics, diplomacy, economy, and society, his face was hot, but he waited. I hoped that the president would quickly realize his duty and be faithful to his duty, so that he would not destroy the system and institutions of a democratic nation built with blood and tears. And he prayed that people’s tantrums and disillusionment would not lead to discouragement and indifference. However, Yoon Seok-yeol only developed anguish and delusion, but did not show any sincerity to repent of his mistakes or correct his mind. Yesterday, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida finally came. Compared to the kind of transactions Yoon Seok-yeol made with Japan and the United States without anyone knowing, those terrible things that made the majority of the people in awe may be nothing more than the tip of the iceberg. What is clear is that he is making Korea a dark, dangerous, and poor country. So the conscience, the love of Christ, urges us on. Stop the silence and go ahead and act.

2. The person who is the source of trouble
He doesn’t even know what ‘words’ he is talking regarding, and what kind of disaster his ‘words’ bring, he is the root of disaster, the biggest root of disaster. You can’t do that unless you’re real. If he had only been the head of a certain family, it would have ended in the collapse of his family, but since he holds the position of determining the future of 70 million Koreans in the North and the South, his limbs tingle as if he were walking on thin ice day by day. Balbonsaekwon is the answer. On July 16, 1597, the defeat at the Battle of Chilcheonryang should be learned as a lesson and a decision should be made. At that time, the strongest Joseon naval force, which showed an overwhelming gap in all battles and was at the level of playing with the Japanese navy, was almost annihilated because of one stupid commander. A whopping 122 panokseons alone were lost, and regarding 10,000 experienced Joseon naval forces died or went missing. The defeat that day called for a new war. Immediately, the Jeongyujaeran occurred. The president’s mouth is not the only thing that causes anger and raises it. One cannot but point out the media as a conspirator. Saying to the culprits of ‘giregi’, even the media workers who are deceiving the citizens by twisting the facts and covering the truth with words and writings in order to please the people in power, on May 20, 1980, Gwangju Cultural Broadcasting was burned down. You won’t know what you threw away. The Supreme Court ruled that the arson that day was not guilty, saying that it was “a justifiable act to protect the constitutional order.” I am concerned that people will be seen as a group that only pursues self-interest and self-interest in the eyes of the people.

3. Watch the children
Then all that’s left is me and your mouth. The carcinogens are roughly covered with soil and called ‘Yongsan Children’s Garden’, and the Navy is preparing emergency drinking water worth regarding 10 million won every day, saying that there is no problem with Fukushima contaminated water. This is the reality children and young people face. We must be exhausted from our exhausting daily life, but if we don’t tell the truth, not only youngsters, but even today’s proud youngsters, will soon be trapped in the wall of discouragement. Fairy tale writer Kwon Jeong-saeng suffered from an incurable disease that made it impossible for anyone to commit suicide or think of anything outside of himself, but he was only concerned regarding the future and peace of his children. So, like her older sister Mongsil, beautiful protagonists who do not end with anger or sadness over oppressed situations, but seek out the fundamental happiness and joy of life by taking care of and caring for each other. The teacher will tell you today. Even dog poop can make a bright dandelion bloom, let alone how dazzling are the flowers blooming in people. Korean modern history is a collection of small actions by people with a will to correct the flow of history. I pay my respects to the candlelight citizens who do not stop praying and wishing on Saturday even on a rainy and windy day. Those who say, “I have to do something, the country must go out” because the country is in danger, and those who believe that even if there is no hope, they can become hope starting with me, they are the prophets of the times. The church must also make its voice heard before it is too late. “My people have become like a flock of sheep that have wandered from mountain to mountain following meeting the wrong shepherd. I lost my nest and wandered through the mountains and hills” (Jer 50:6). We need to encourage those who are silent because they have not yet discerned between right and wrong, or because they lack the courage. It is the proclamation and service of the Church. It is the mission of the Church to be both a compassionate mother and a strict teacher.

4. Remember the fathers’ struggles and act
A week ago, Michael Yanghoe-dong, a steelworker, committed suicide by setting himself on fire. It was a protest once morest the president, who often oppresses labor unions, who had tarnished the workers’ honor by mentioning ‘construction gangsters’. The President’s office, which was also in the dark during the Itaewon disaster, said, “I hope that this unfortunate situation will never happen once more.” But do you know? The fact that even the power of an iron fortress suddenly collapsed following treating one insignificant person carelessly. The temple of the Old Testament and the temple of the New Testament were thus burned and destroyed. It is true wisdom and faith to recognize the presence of Christ in the poor and powerless. In October of the year Gab-O, “In every village following the harvest, spears, shotguns, and those without a pitchfork and sickle were wiped out and set out. Our ancestors left home on a frosty morning, touching the ears of their pregnant wife, wiping the noses of their sons and daughters kneeling at the bedside of an ailing father, and greeting the beloved pillar tree.” (Shin Dong-yeop, Geum-gang) Flags fluttered, saying, “Let’s cut out the rotten royal family.” Unfortunately, he struggled hard at Ugeumti Pass. State-of-the-art firepower of the Japanese 5th Division lined up on the Sangbong Ridge. Field guns, machine guns and revolvers opened fire. Hundreds of people in white clothes, and thousands who saw the white clothes dyed red, ran and jumped one following another. A new world opens up just by crossing that hill, so I thought, “Should I save this one life?” On that day, 30,000 farmers lost their lives. The dignity and rights we enjoy today are things that we received freely through the hard work of the elders in the past, so let’s also bless the rising generation by giving our hard work. On May 8, 2023, Father’s Day, the National Priests’ Association for the Realization of Catholic Justice at Aemakgol Catholic Church in the Diocese of Chuncheon

#Religion #Society #News #Hankyoreh



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