The opposition repudiated the possible visit of the “autocratic” presidents of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua

The opposition exploded after the Argentine government invited the presidents of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro; from Cuba, Miguel Diaz Caneland of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, to participate on January 24 in the VII Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), in Buenos Aires.

The repudiation of Together for Change and the liberals was not long in coming. The owner of the PRO, Patricia Bullrich, repudiated the possible arrival of the three Central American heads of state. “We want a Argentina free of dictators! Let’s all say NO to the ‘visit’ of autocratic presidents. Our country is not an aguantadero“, shot the former Minister of Security of Cambiemos.

Lula da Silva signed the return of Brazil to CELAC, after three years of absence

Likewise, the national deputy and leader of the United Republicans, Ricardo Lopez Murphywhich assured that the “sole presence” of Maduro, Díaz Canel and Ortega “is a insult to democracy“.

“The government of inept and infamous chaired by Alberto Fernández has invited Maduro, Ortega and Díaz Canel to Argentina. My absolute rejection of any entry of dictators into our Homeland. Their mere presence is an insult to democracy,” he launched.

Alberto Fernández with Cuban Miguel Díaz Canel.

Espert called Maduro, Díaz Canel and Daniel Ortega “dictators”

In turn, the leader of Avanza Libertad, José Luis Espertpresented a draft declaration that he presented in the Chamber of Deputies where he called the Central American presidents “dictators” and questioned “the international alliances” of Kirchnerism with said “autocratic governments”.

“Acts disconnected from the reality of Kirchnerism leave no room for astonishment and generate repudiation of international alliances with autocratic governments because they want to promote an anti-republican model that has nothing to do with our national essence,” Espert said.

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The right-wing leader and liberal economist warned that the Argentine government is advancing towards “a deepening of an authoritarian political exercise that they want to wear the powers of the State having as a model to follow the Chavista Venezuela, the Cuba of Díaz Canel and the Nicaragua of Ortega”.

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Earlier, the national deputies of Together for Change Alberto Asseff (PRO) and Gerard Cipolini (UCR) had expressed their rejection of the possible presence of the leftist leaders.

Presidents Daniel Ortega (Nicaragua) and Nicolás Maduro (Venezuela)
Presidents Daniel Ortega (Nicaragua) and Nicolás Maduro (Venezuela).

In a statement, the legislators accused the heads of state of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua of “ominously subjugating their respective peoples”, which in their opinion constitutes “an open wound for the republican democracy of all Latin America and the Caribbean and a flagrant violation of the Democratic Charter of the Organization of American States”.

In addition, they stated that these three visits “damage the hopes of thousands of emigrants from those States who came to our country seeking freedom.”


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