The new “soybean dollar” at 300 pesos announced this Wednesday by the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, in addition to receiving questions from the Liaison Table, was criticized by Together for Change and the libertarian sectorwho came out to warn that, among other things, the measure is a “patch” and part of “we are seeing” of the government.
“The soybean dollar measure is part of the government’s ‘let’s see’ plan. It does not give any predictability for the future, quite the contrary, because it always generates uncertainty regarding what will happen,” said the deputy. Ricardo Buryaile (UCR), which chairs the Committee on Agriculture and Livestock of the lower house.
The radical legislator and former Minister of Agriculture during the administration of Mauricio Macri stated that “when the Government needs dollars and when the export industry needs to grind, what they do is make all Argentines pay the cost with measures like this”.
“The soybean dollar and all the variants that we have (the soybean dollar, the Qatari dollar, the Coldplay dollar, the meat dollar, wheat and all this monstrosity of the export exchange market that Massa does) ends up acknowledging that there is a delayed exchange ratethat it is the export that subsidizes the import and that always in these cases the export rights end up harming the producers”, affirmed Buryaile.
Finally, the legislator assured: “Today there is an improvement in what producers receive, but in no way is this an incentive or part of a policy. What will end up happening is that given the short time they give this measure, exporters are going to make a huge difference by paying below parity price to producers. We already saw this in the previous two versions and it will not be different this time”.
For her part, the deputy of PRO Mary Eugenia Vidal considered that the “soybean dollar” is “a new patch which is added to the list of Massa patches”, adding that “they continue to magnify the bomb that they are going to deliver in December”.
For José Luis Espertthe Avanza Libertad deputy and economist of liberal origin, is “ridiculous and openly short-sighted, selfish and miserable the spasmodic devaluations for soybeans carried out by the Government to try to recover reserves (demand for money falls) and try to get to the elections without an explosion of the dollar and prices”.
From the Radical Evolution space, headed by Martin Lousteau, the deputy and economist Alejandro Cacace also warned that “the notion that we have multiple prices for the same good, the dollar, is absurd. We must not naturalize it. Worse is that the Central Bank buys them much more expensive than it sells them. It is the recipe to melt. And even worse that an official decides who gives it to and how much”.
The support of governors
Two governors of the Frente de Todos, Juan Manzur (Tucumán) and Gustavo Bordet (Entre Ríos) came out to support the measure announced by Massa.
“We celebrate the recent economic measures adopted by the National Government that are aimed at strengthening the development of our regional economies,” said Manzur, former Chief of Staff.
Meanwhile, Bordet highlighted: “We made the request and it was heard. The differential exchange rate announced by Massa will include the regional economies. This will help sustain many sources of work, improving competitiveness and giving predictability to production affected by the drought.”
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