The operation “Blue March”, national campaign against colorectal cancer is e

31 days to inform, mobilize and convince, the national campaign against colorectal cancer ended on Thursday March 31, 2022. An awareness-raising action took place in Saint-Pierre. Information stands have been set up in the market.

The Regional Health Agency (ARS), the Martinique regional oncology platform (PROM) and its cancer screening coordination center were in Saint-Pierre, Thursday March 31, 2022, for the closing of awareness-raising and prevention of colorectal cancer.

For 31 days, the various organizations planned a succession of events, actions, meetings and local initiatives in terms of prevention, encouraging screening and improving the course of care and life during and after. disease.

Guy Albert Rufin-Duhamel, director of the Martinique oncology platform, reports on the Mars Bleu campaign.

In Martinique, colorectal cancer remains second leading cause of cancer death and the third most common cancer in both men and women. Detected early, it heals in 9 out of 10 cases.

Colorectal cancers are partly preventable because modifiable risk factors have been identified: alcohol, overweight, obesity, tobacco, diet, and sedentary lifestyle.

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