“The only way is to listen to us

Antonio Fernández-Pro Ledesma, president of SEMG.

The Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG) has concluded its XXVIII National Congress emphasizing its leading role in building the future of Primary Care and sending a “serious and resounding” message to politicians and managers so that you can count on them in decision-making.

“I want to conclude this congress by sending a serious and resounding message to politicians and managers: listen to the professionals. Be sensitive as we are with what patients tell us. Let’s all fight together, join wills, collaborate. It will be the only way to pull it off. We want to be the fruit of our decisions, not a consequence of them”, claims Antonio Fernández-Pro Ledesma, president of SEMG.

The doctor has acknowledged that he began the annual appointment with tension and some fear, but also with pride for his colleagues: “Now I am much prouder because despite the atmosphere that there was at the beginning of the Congress with the negative news for Primary Care, I I think the motto came to the hair for rethink a new situation.

In this sense, Fernández-Pro has ensured that this new stage has to born from the “collective consciousness” of all. “We have to start one by one to revive the building of Primary Care in our country. No one is going to do it we have to do ourselves. We have seen many young people and we love it because we see the continuity. Theirs is the future and we have to guarantee it. We have to start from today with renewed spirits, fight and confrontations at the necessary moments”.

Aspect of the closing ceremony of the Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians.

A message of hope for the future of Familia

For her part, Ana Mur Pérez, president of the scientific committee of the XXVIII National Congress of SEMG, after thanking all the people who have made it possible to hold the Congress without any “incident” both in face-to-face and virtual format, wanted to send a message of optimism to doctors at the first level of care.

“Much has been said about the Family situation, but I would not like you to go with a bitter memory We have to give a message of light and hope for the future, we have a lot to fight, work and defend. With the strength of our union we will make it. We are a great specialty and we have proven to be at the height of society, looking out for their health”, claims Mur Pérez.

In this sense, the doctor referred to the motto of the Congress “Readapt without losing the values ​​of Family Medicine”: “The desires, the uncertainties in the face of illness, pain are deposited in us… We are the doctors closest to the patient, in us you will always find a friend. These are our values, from which we cannot move away. We must move forward without losing our values, which makes our branch a unique specialty”.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.

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