“The Only Ad I Watched to the End” Hilarious Polish Hotel Clip Takes TikTok by Storm

498.9 thousand – this is how many views the ad got on TikTok Polish Elements Hotel & Spa. “WHAT A WONDERFUL ADVERTISEMENT, PERFECT”, “The only advert I watched to the end”, “I’ve never seen a better hotel advert”, “Finally a short and to the point advert, not some lame duck, all ads should look like this, congratulations” – this is how commentators compliment the short recording.

Watch Barbara Kurdej-Szatan’s video about starting out in advertising. “I was perceived differently”

The hotel ad has won the hearts of internet users. It has garnered hundreds of thousands of views on TikTok in 24 hours.

The ad shows a hotel employee in a suit. The idea is simple, yet funny. Instead of flowery descriptions of what the hotel does not offer, the woman describes in only two or three words what it shows. “This is our name,” says the heroine of the video, pointing to the hotel banner. “This is where you check in,” we hear, as our eyes are drawn to the reception. And so on for 30 seconds.

A sauna (“it’s warm here”), a bar (“it’s drinking here”) and a gym (“it’s sculpture here”) are shown. All of this is said completely without emotion, along with pleasant music in the background (the song “Summer Place” by Hollywood Strings Orchestra, popular on TikTok, is used), giving the whole thing a comedic touch similar to “The Office” and “Park and Recreations”.

Additionally, Tomasz Adamek (“Tomek here”) took part in the advert, and another hotel employee was also introduced in the same way (“Michał here”). The legendary Polish boxer has been promoting the hotel since at least the beginning of the year. Although the vast majority of votes are positive, there are also some grumblers. “You’re a bit behind, it’s probably the hundredth company to use this trend” – wrote one of the X users. The trend he’s talking about is called “if ads were only aimed at guys.”



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