The Only 3 Exercises You Need to Get a Rounder Lower Breast

2024-08-26 14:00:06

In the fitness world, building huge pecs is often a key goal…but the lower half of the pecs presents a special challenge for many bodybuilders.

If you think the answer lies in endless incline bench presses, Think again!

In fact, Just three exercises needed When it comes to developing this difficult part of your pecs, the decline press isn’t one of them.

Let’s dive into these three options to give you all the information you need to maximize your lower pectoral gains.

Quick Reminder: The Anatomy and Function of the Pectoral Muscles

Before performing related exercises, it is necessary to understand the anatomy and function of the pectoral muscles, as this will allow us to train the lower chest more effectively.

The pectoralis major muscle is made up of two main parts: upper part (clavicular head) and lower part (Chef Sternum).

Some manuals even divide the lower part into a third part called the ventral head.

The chest muscles are generally responsible forhorizontal adductionwhich means moving your arms toward the center of your body.

However, the lower pecs also play an important role in shoulder extension, which involves lowering the arms from a forward position.

The concept of muscle fiber orientation and neuromechanical correspondence tells us: Muscle fibers most commonly used during exercise are those positioned in a mechanically advantageous manner.

Target the abdominal fibers, Therefore, the movement needs to be performed at a downward angle.

Which brings us to our sheep…

3 Best Exercises to Build Lower Pecs

Now that we know the areas we want to target, let’s explore three basic exercises for developing round, muscular lower pecs.

1. (Classic) Bench Press

While the decline (head-down) press seems like the intuitive choice for targeting the lower pecs, the bench press actually provides better overall benefits for breast development.

Not only does this movement feel more natural, but it also allows for more efficient progressive overload, which is crucial for stimulating muscle growth.

Previous research has shown a strong correlation between bench press strength and chest muscle size.

Specifically, a 2020 study compared pec activation at different bench press angles.

The results showed that the middle and lower chest muscles Exhibits greatest muscle activation at 0 degrees of inclinethat is, during the bench press.

Then the question arises whether to use dumbbells or barbells.

Each tool has unique advantages:

  • Barbells have better stability and you can lift about 17% more weight compared to dumbbells,
  • Dumbbells provide greater range of motion and better adduction at the top of the movement.

To optimize your bench press, Make sure to retract the scapula And keep your back slightly arched.

Not only does this position protect your shoulders, but it also puts your torso in a position that provides more leverage for your lower pecs, creating a slightly tilted angle.

When it comes to grip width, one study compared narrow, medium, and wide grips and concluded that if the goal is to lift as much weight as possible, medium and wide grips are the best Most beneficial.

Also Read: World Strength Champion Gives You His Best External Force To Explode Your Bench Press

2. Sweater

Often considered a back exercise, the pullover shows Significant activation of the chest muscles.

Published in ” sports magazine For example, it was demonstrated that during pullover, the EMG (electromyography) activity of the pectoralis major muscle is 28% higher than back musclesshowing that the chest muscles are used more than the back muscles in this exercise.

This sweater is Particularly effective for targeting the lower pectoral muscles, Because these fibers are very effective as shoulder extensors, especially when the arms are above shoulder height.

During the eccentric phase of the movement, the fibers of the lower chest are strongly stretched, while during the concentric phase they are strongly contracted.

It is crucial to limit range of motion to maintain tone in the pectoral muscles.

Do not place the load completely above your chest, but stop when the load is just above your head.

This technique allows you to focus your strength on the lower pecs while avoiding overloading your shoulders.

For setup, it is recommended to position yourself perpendicular to the bench, resting only your upper back on the bench.

This position allows your hips to be lower than the bench, thereby increasing the stretch of the lower pectoral muscles, increasing muscle activation and promoting better growth.

3. Pulley split (from top to bottom)

The distribution of pulleys from high to low effectively isolates the chest muscles by achieving horizontal adduction, while By aligning the movement with the fibers of the lower pectoral muscles.

One study found that pulley splits are almost as effective as the bench press for firing up your pecs!

Another advantage of pulley splits is thatThey eliminate the involvement of the tricepsthereby further isolating the chest muscles.

During the bench press, the triceps fatigue before the pecs, limiting the amount of tension placed on the pecs. By doing pulley splits, you can ensure that your chest muscles fatigue before other muscles.

For best results:

  1. Start by positioning the pulley in the high position. Grasp the handles and move forward slightly while maintaining a stable position.
  2. Start with your arms parallel to the ground and your elbows slightly bent.
  3. Then pull the handles down and cross them at waist level to maximize the contraction of the lower pectoral muscles.

crucially Keep your torso straight To avoid looking like a classic split, which takes the focus away from the lower pecs.

in conclusion

In short, these three exercises are enough for you to develop chiseled lower pecs.

While it’s not necessary to perform these moves in the same workout, it’s recommended that you incorporate each of these exercises into your chest training routine to maximize development of that specific area.

By following these tips, you can build strong and beautiful breasts.

please remember Regularity is keyand by strategically incorporating these moves into your daily routine, you’ll see dramatic improvements.

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