The Olympic Place in the Athletes’ Village is becoming greener – Sport & Society

2023-12-30 14:27:33

The development and greening of the Olympic Place in the Athletes’ Village continues a few months before the opening of the Paris 2024 Summer Games.

Planting of the largest tree in the Paris 2024 Athletes’ Village, a hairy oak, Wednesday December 6, 2023 (Credits – SOLIDEO / Camille Pinot)

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Transplantation of the largest tree in the Paris 2024 Athletes’ Village, a hairy oak, Wednesday December 6, 2023 (Credits – SOLIDEO / Camille Pinot)

ANDThe flagship element of the Athletes’ Village for the Paris 2024 Games, the Olympic Place is taking shape week after week.

Last August, a complex operation allowed the installation of seven sections of 10 tonnes each of the helical ramp constituting a monumental entrance to the Place from the banks of the Seine currently being reclassified.

Nearly 40 workers were then mobilized for this unique project intended to ensure perfect accessibility of the space during and after the Games below the Halle Maxwell.

Thought by theAgence TER in a decidedly atypical form incorporating the symbolism of the Olympic rings, the structure – which offers a secure route 100 meters long and 3 meters wide – has since been completed, in particular with the installation of the guardrail.

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Around the ramp, other developments have also been carried out in recent months, starting with the greening of the Olympic Square which takes place in parallel with similar operations carried out until February 2024 on the 7 hectares of green spaces of the Village which, ultimately, will have no less than 9,000 trees and shrubs.

While the ramp of Mail Finot began its revegetation at the beginning of autumnPlace Olympique saw, on Wednesday December 6, 2023, the transplantation of a hairy oak from the Chauviré Nurseriesin Maine-et-Loire, where the tree grew for almost 18 years.

Today measuring almost 10 meters in height and weighing a substantial 7 tonnes, the tree is, to date, the largest specimen in the Athletes’ Village.

View of the installation on the Olympic Place of the Athletes’ Village of the Para-PM air purifier device in December 2023 (Credits – SOLIDEO)

In addition to the greening of the space, the Olympic Place also saw the arrangement of the fine particle capture system adapted to open and semi-open spaces, Para-PMdesigned by the company Aerophile, leader tethered balloon world.

Earlier this month, elements of this innovative device aimed at capturing 90 to 95% of fine particles were installed in metal structures with a unique architecture, a stone’s throw from the A86 motorway which runs along part of the Village.

During the Games, and once the event is over, these XXL air purifiers will be able to capture 42 m3 per second.

#Olympic #Place #Athletes #Village #greener #Sport #Society

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