The official internal force is reflected in the controversy over the paralysis of the Council of the Judiciary

The fierce internal crisis that the ruling party is experiencing due to the deep differences between its hard wing, with Kirchnerism and La Cámpora at the head, versus the ranks of the president Alberto Fernandez, It is also reflected in the scandal by the Judicial Council. The situation that seems to enter the body In the next few hours, it is also going through bill passes and internal criticism.

On Friday night, the deadline set by the Supreme Court of Justice for Congress to pass a law to modify the composition of the Judicial Council. As there was no response from the Legislative Power, the Judicial Power would take command of the body from this Monday.

From Casa Rosada they are clear and do not hesitate to criticize the judicial area, which is clearly made up of Kirchnerism.with number 1 and 2 of the Justice portfolio, Martin Soria and Juan Martin Menaextremely trusted by the vice president Cristina Kirchner.

“The whole area belongs to them (because of Kirchnerism). They broke patience with the subject of (the former minister, Marcela) Losardo all the time she was in the Ministry (between December 2019 and March 2021) until they managed to get her out and Since then, all Justice has been left entirely to them”vehemently shot a Balcarce 50 fountain. “Nobody tells them anything about how they have to do things and they are in such a huge mess that they can’t solve one. The slogan is that they fix themselves”completed the same source.

She wasn’t the only one. Another of the voices of the Government consulted by THE NATION pointed in the same direction with respect to hard Kirchnerism. “They distribute criticism and blame to all sides, but in matters of Justice they do not hit or take charge of one. In the middle of the pandemic, our heads went crazy for (the transferred maids, Leopoldo and Pablo) Bruglia and Bertuzzi, have they solved anything since then? No, nothing. So let’s not screw up. Let’s look in the mirror,” they added.

“There is no Attorney, there is no candidate for the fifth vacancy on the Court, they wanted to take power away from them and now they also have them on the Council, they seriously believe they can continue pointing the finger”asked another source from Government House.

Juan Martín Mena, Martín Soria and Daniel Rafecas, candidate for Attorney since December 2019. Ministry of Justice

From Kirchnerism they reject criticism. They assure that the way was sought and “a solution was proposed to avoid the paralysis of the administration of the Judicial Power” or that “the Court enters through the window”. In that sense, they even alluded to Soria’s presentation in the National Senate on March 22.

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But the criticism from the Government does not end there. They assure that “now they are all in a hurry because a DNU comes out, modifying something so that what the Court does not happen” and affirm that in that sense even “there was a lot of pressure” from the Treasury Attorney, in charge of Carlos Zannini, another loyal to the vice president. However, from the head of the Executive Branch they insist that they will do nothing about it.

In fact, they explain that they “already did” everything they had to do with regard to the body in charge of the appointment and eventual removal of judges. In this sense, they refer to the fact that they sent the reform project to the Council of the Judiciary before the ruling came out of the Court. “We put him in extraordinary sessions, but they did not meet for three months, they did not treat him. Now fix it”insist.

“Basically it is not a problem of the Executive Power, now it is a problem between the Legislative Power and the Court. We are not going to make a DNU modifying the Court’s ruling, let them fix it. We sent the project in a timely manner, and it was the project they wanted”they reason.

In the Casa Rosada and Kirchnerism they affirm that there was “very little or no dialogue between the Government and the Court” and that the talks were basically restricted to Judge Ricardo Lorenzetti. “But the power is clearly not there,” they add. “Let’s agree that you can’t expect much either if you have a minister who goes and practically insults the judges”, synthesized a source in reference to what was the meeting between Soria and the ministers of the Court, last December, in a tense meeting marked by criticism.

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