The Octagon is pushing it hard! For example, the English people who were there just insult everyone and it’s embarrassing, says Patrik Kincl

The number one in the Octagon organization has always paid for a fairly thoughtful fighter who likes to maintain a certain level. You will never see Patrik Kincl goofing around at the weigh-in or making rude comments to his opponents. However, the practice of some fighters who wear the yellow-black jersey is the opposite.

The time of classy hitters who can show respect to their opponents before and following the match is sadly over. Legends such as Fedor Emelianenko or Anderson Silva should never have made a weight loss a cabaret show. No one even thought of pushing or attacking. However, the current situation is woefully different. Fighters throw insults at each other on social media, and the hateful atmosphere often escalates into open conflict. The teams are not able to raise the white flag even following the match, and the questioning of the results often comes with criticism of the referees.

In the Octagon, which operated for years on an almost family basis, conditions have also changed dramatically. The expansion to the islands brought new faces into the organization, who have completely different standards of what is still permissible. For example, Jarda Pokorný, who was maliciously kicked and injured by an opponent at the weigh-in, might tell his story. His teammate Patrik Kincl understandably does not take napkins and strongly condemns similar behavior.

“There is a need to have a show around it, but it can be created in other ways than by some mindless insult. I personally have had enough of it. Since the Conor McGregor era, when you enjoyed it at first and waited for every press conference, but then you ate it like Sunday lunch at grandma’s. Once in a while great, but going there every day and leaving packed? You don’t want that at all. If I take a specific example, those are the Englishmen that Octagon dragged there. You can see there that it’s regarding strength. They are fools who go over the edge and then wonder when it comes back to them.” declared Patrik in the program for BrainMarket.

The Octagon needs local fighters to make a name for itself in England. The UFC took the absolute top names for themselves, and the yellow-black organization was left with quite high-quality but also considerably simpler fighters. Shem Rock with a drug past or struggling stripper Wanliss are perfect examples of how a wrestler should not behave. If the management of the Octagon does not decide to severely fine such behavior, we probably won’t see any change for the better at all.



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