The obstruction of the “Fourth Broadcasting Act” that lasted for more than 50 hours will clash again early tomorrow morning.

2024-07-27 11:30:33

◀ Anchor▶

In Congress, the government and the opposition are engaged in a fierce confrontation over the handling of the “Four Broadcasting Laws.”

The filibuster, or open-ended debate, continues today.

Early tomorrow morning, a revised bill aimed at improving MBC’s governance structure is expected to be submitted.

I will put you through to the National Assembly.

Reporter Son Ha Na, are the discussions still going on?

◀ Reporter▶


The obstruction surrounding the “Four Broadcasting Laws” started the night before yesterday and continues today this weekend. 50 hours have passed.

The Korea Communications Commission passed the plenary meeting last night, and now the plenary meeting is blocking the amendment of the Broadcasting Law to change the composition of the KBS board of directors.

Democratic Party lawmaker Park Sun-won debated for nearly six hours in favor of the bill, and once the pro-abortion debate ends, People Power Party lawmaker Park Jung-ha plans to debate the opposition position.

The main purpose of the Broadcasting Law is to increase the number of directors of public broadcaster KBS to 21, double the current number, and to reduce political influence by requiring academic groups and professional organizations to recommend directors.

There are differences of opinion between the government and the opposition, so let’s listen and see for ourselves.

[신동욱/국민의힘 원내수석대변인]

“This amendment to the Broadcasting Act proposed by Democrats is nothing more than a bill that permanently subjugates public broadcasting to political power, far from diminishing its power.”

[이훈기/더불어민주당 의원]

“The People’s Power Party only made criticisms and never proposed any solutions. Of course, the three broadcasting laws have some shortcomings, but in the current reality, they are the best…

◀ Anchor▶

Yes, you heard it right.

The differences between the ruling and opposition parties are obvious.

Will bills related to MBC governance be introduced tonight?

◀ Reporter▶

There is no prediction on the specific submission time here, but if we estimate, the time when the Democratic Party of Korea will apply to end the filibuster is around 0:30 this morning.

Since parliamentary law guarantees at least 24 hours of debate, the opposition parties can end the debate and hold a vote at around 0:30 tomorrow morning.

Seven opposition parties, including the Democratic Party, have told their MPs to gather in the main chamber by 11:30 pm.

The reason why I chose the early morning shift from Saturday to Sunday was because the Democratic Party’s national tour primaries ended not long ago in Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do, and it would take time to travel to Seoul.

The People’s Power Party originally planned to withdraw from the plenary meeting in protest of the vote, but after the vote, it planned to reconsider it immediately as amendments to the Broadcasting Culture Promotion Association Act to amend the MBC board of directors structure were proposed.

This comes from the National Assembly, which is engaged in a filibuster.

Video Reporter: Park Joo-il/Video Editor: Kim Jae-seok

#obstruction #Fourth #Broadcasting #Act #lasted #hours #clash #early #tomorrow #morning



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