The Nutritional Value of Eggs: Debunking the Myths and Recommendations for Consumption

2023-11-18 05:15:00

The French are said to be among the “major consumers of eggs”. They eat on average 230 per year. That’s less than one per day or 4.5 per week. According to the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE), “the nutritional value of the egg lies in the subtle balance and diversity of its constituents: proteins among the best for man, very good quality lipids, number of vitamins and minerals.

In detail, it contains less than 100 kilocalories per 60g including 75% water, 13% proteins and 10.5% lipids (including polyunsaturated fatty acids essential to the body, etc.). Without forgetting phosphorus, iron and vitamins (E and D, in particular)

The egg therefore has a low calorie/protein ratio, which is positive. Its proteins “are distributed in large quantities and equally in the white and the yolk. Thus, two eggs provide as much protein as 100g of meat or fish,” continues INRAE.

No more than 4 eggs per week?

However, it can be avoided, mainly because of its cholesterol content. The subject still appears to be highly debated and the old debate was revived in 2019 following the publication of a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Its authors clearly highlighted “an association” between the consumption of eggs or dietary cholesterol and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases. But they were quick to describe it as “modest”, as the Montreal Heart Institute confirmed at the time. Which specified that “the risk would increase depending on the quantity consumed”. And recommend consuming no more than 3 or 4 per week.

Too cautious a recommendation?

Many nutritionists recommend consuming one egg per day (or even two), particularly in the absence of other sources of protein. Ultimately, the main confirmed risk associated with egg consumption remains allergy.

In all cases, do not hesitate to seek the advice of your doctor, particularly if you have or are at risk of hypercholesterolemia.

#Nutrition #eggs #eat #week



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