The number of renewable energy jobs is growing worldwide

This report entitled “Renewable energies and employment: Annual review 2022”, underlines that the size of the national market is one of the major factors of job creation in renewable energies, in the same way, among others, as the cost of Workforce. Solar energy is proving to be the fastest growing sector. In 2021, it provided 4.3 million jobs, more than a third of the current global renewable energy workforce.

The new report was published by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in collaboration with the International Labor Organization (OIT), at the Global Clean Energy Action Forum in Pittsburgh, USA.

Resilient jobs

In the face of growing concerns regarding climate change, the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and supply chain disruptions, countries are showing increasing interest in decentralizing these supply chains and creating jobs nationwide. The report describes how essential it is to rely on strong national markets to anchor a momentum for the industrialization of clean energy. The development of export capacities for renewable technologies also depends on it, he adds.

“Despite the many challenges, jobs in renewable energy remain resilient, and have been proven to be a reliable engine of job creation,” said Francesco La Camera, Director General of IRENA. “I advise governments around the world to pursue industrial policies that encourage the creation of decent jobs in the renewable energy sector within their own countries.”

The report shows that a growing number of countries are creating jobs in renewable energy, and nearly two-thirds of all those jobs are in Asia. China alone accounts for 42% of the global total, followed by the EU and Brazil (10% each), then the US and India (7% each).

According to the Director-General of the ILO, Guy Ryder, “beyond the numbers, growing attention is being paid to the quality of jobs and working conditions in renewable energy, with a view to ensuring decent and productive employment” . “The growing share of female employment suggests that dedicated policies and training can significantly improve women’s participation in renewable energy professions as well as inclusion and ultimately achieving a just transition for all,” he added.

FMI/Lisa Marie David

Workers clean solar panels in Manila, Philippines.

Developments at regional level

The report highlights a number of major developments at regional and national level. Thus, the countries of Southeast Asia are becoming major centers of photovoltaic manufacturing and major producers of biofuels. China is the main manufacturer and installer of photovoltaic solar panels, and creates a growing number of jobs in offshore wind. India has added more than 10 gigawatts of solar photovoltaic energy, which has generated many installation jobs, but the country remains heavily dependent on imported panels.

Europe, which now accounts for around 40% of global wind generation and is the biggest exporter of wind power equipment, is trying to rebuild its photovoltaic solar panel manufacturing industry. Africa’s role is still limited, but the report highlights that there are growing employment opportunities in distributed renewable energy, particularly to support local trade and agriculture, among other economic activities.

On the American continent, Mexico is the leading supplier of wind turbine blades. Brazil, which remains the largest employer in the field of biofuels, also creates many jobs in wind and solar photovoltaic installations. The United States of America is beginning to build a nationwide industrial infrastructure for its nascent offshore wind sector.

As part of a just transition, the report insists that the expansion of renewable energy must be supported by comprehensive policy measures, including the training of workers, in order to guarantee decent, quality jobs that are well paid and diversified.



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