The number of asylum applications continues to decline in Austria

The number of asylum applications continues to decline. In February, 2,183 such requests were made. That is 104 fewer than in January and means a decrease of 19 percent compared to February 2023. In total, there were 2,509 fewer applications in the first two months than in the same period last year, as Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (VP) announced.

At the same time, asylum has been granted in 3,277 cases so far this year. In addition, there are 1,404 cases of subsidiary protection and 208 humanitarian residence permits. While the proportion of negative asylum decisions was slightly higher than that of positive ones, the opposite was true for subsidiary protection. However, for stays for particularly serious reasons, only around one in ten applications were approved. The 849 “other decisions” include those people who apply for asylum but then travel on (illegally) to their actual destination countries.

The proportion of female asylum seekers remains relatively high this year. They make up a good 44 percent of applicants. In the previous year, a total of 76 percent of asylum seekers were male. As far as age groups are concerned, 18 to 35 year olds are dominant, followed by children. So far, only 18 applications have come from people over 65 in 2024. 61 percent of asylum seekers are Syrians, with Afghans making up the second largest group at 10 percent. 76,277 people receive basic care.

Of the 2,037 deportations, 893 departures were carried out independently and 1,144 were forcible.


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