The normative law that perfects the Training and Employment Statute – The Discussion 2024-02-13 20:58:35

The Senate supported by 32 votes in favor and 1 abstention the project that modifies law 20,267, which creates the National Certification System for Labor Skills and perfects the Training and Employment Statute, and other legal bodies.

The text – which was analyzed by the Labor and Finance Commissions, respectively – was ready to become law.

During the debate, the progress was highlighted and Senator Ricardo Lagos delivered the analysis report of the Finance Commission, and pointed out that new powers are established for ChileValora for the articulation of the System, especially in the articulation with job training and technical training. professional (FTP).

The text also modifies the financing structure of ChileValora, going from an allocation through an agreement between the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and ChileValora, to the creation of a Budget Chapter in the Budget Law.

The powers of the Sectoral Labor Skills Organizations (OSCL) are expanded, giving them the function of identifying the human capital requirements of the productive sector they represent.

The Commission of the National System for Certification of Labor Skills is empowered to create regional offices.

The sanctioning regime of the Evaluation and Certification Centers is perfected, making the range of application of the suspension of accreditation more flexible, with a less drastic lower limit and a maximum, within which the suspension time can be graduated depending on the severity. of the infringement.

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