2023-08-09 05:03:56
According to the online weather platform Meteovista, during the night of August 12 to 13, we should be able to observe 38 to 50 shooting stars per hour from the Perseids, and the same number the following night, from August 13 to 14. In addition, we should be able to distinguish meteorites from other origins: up to 48 to 65 shooting stars per hour, according to this site, which particularly recommends observing on Sunday August 13 at 4 am. We can then see regarding 44 shooting stars per hour.
“Look diagonally east and northeast, that’s when you’re most likely to see a shooting star. Then you’ll see a bright, fast trail”, advises Meteovista.
This other site offers tips for enjoying the show.
#nights #shooting #stars #return #August #Perseids #show