Actor Mukesh opened up regarding the news that hurt him the most. Mukesh was talking regarding the news that appeared in an evening newspaper while Dileep’s case was pending. Its headline was that Mukesh MLA called Dileep 60 times on the phone on the day of the incident. Here’s what Mukesh says regarding the news.
How can you call someone for 60 years? Call the phone and say hello and hang up. What more to talk regarding these sixty times. Did the people who bought it look at it? Just think regarding it.. The bye-election is coming soon. The people who saw the news said that Mukesh had lost his job.
After some time I talked regarding this with a friend. The editor of this newspaper is his friend. Then he was told to call him. What was the source of this? He told me to ask the editor how one can call 60 entries. So put on speaker phone and talk to him. I was shocked to hear the reply.
‘I called Mukesh for my son’s wedding. Pulli came to the wedding. But since there is some program in Ernakulam, I will return following seeing everyone. that he said he would not stop to eat. I felt it. Since then, I have been looking to give him a job,’ he said.