The new WhatsApp function for states: an unexpected change

The messaging application continues to make changes and this time it decided to add an option for the states.

WhatsApp It continues to make new modifications to its application in order to improve the user experience and in recent days the company decided to apply changes to the states, something it recently implemented. I know what it is.

The new WhatsApp function for states: an unexpected change

After the application recently announced that it will modifications in the stickers and the report modeit is now known that also will add in the next update of beta version for Android the option to include a voice note as a status update in WhatsApp.

It should be noted that at the moment it is not known exactly when it will be launched, but work is already underway in order to apply it as soon as possible. In turn, it was announced that it will have the name “Voice State”.


How the voice note will work in WhatsApp states

This new implementation can be done through a new icon represented by a microphone. Like the voice note, it will be a recorded message, but it will be recorded in the WhatsApp states.

Once added, this icon It will be found at the bottom next to the camera and editing status. After you have recorded and published it, it will be available to all your contacts, although if you regret it you can always delete it.

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