The new picture of Marius Borg Høiby shocks Norway

The storm continues around the Norwegian royal house and Marius Borg Høiby. Now Norway is shocked by a new picture, published by a German tabloid newspaper, which allegedly depicts Mette-Marit’s son. Foto: Instagram @danbychoi

Tyska Bild has shared an attention-grabbing image of what appears to be Crown Princess Mette-Marit’s son, Marius Borg Høiby, who is currently suspected of several crimes.

Said to be from a party in 2023

According to Bild, the photo in question was taken last fall:

“This picture of Marius Borg Høiby has now appeared. It shows Mette-Marit’s son at a party in autumn 2023. Marius poses with a gun, a Dom Pérignon champagne and a Daytona Rolex. He has stuffed 1,000 and 500 notes into his pants,” writes the tabloid newspaper.

Photo: Image

According to Norwegian See and Hear it is not known whether the object in Borg Høiby’s hand is a toy gun or not.

The Marius Borg Høiby scandal in brief

On the night of August 4, the Norwegian Crown Princess Mette-Marit’s son, Marius Borg Høiby, 27, was arrested on suspicion of threats and “bodily violation”, a minor violent crime that can lead to up to a year in prison in Norway.

The victim was Borg Høiby’s ex-girlfriend, a woman in her 20s who was said to have suffered both head injuries and a concussion as a result of the attack. In a statement published in NRK on the fourteenth of August, Borg Høiby admitted to the charges, which also included damaging the woman’s apartment in Oslo.

In the statement, Borg Høiby said he was drunk and high on cocaine at the time. He added that he had several mental health diagnoses and had long struggled with substance abuse.

Since the news was released, two more of Borg Høiby’s ex-girlfriends have accused him of subjecting them to physical and mental abuse.

Has connections to criminals

In recent weeks, more and more disturbing reports about Borg Høiby have come out.

In mid-August revealed Norwegian The daily newspaper that several people in Mette-Marit’s son’s social circle are convicted criminals. Some of his acquaintances have connections to gangs, including the Swedish foxtrot network.

Norwegian Member of Parliament Mahmoud Farahmand, who has a background in intelligence, told the newspaper that the revelation is worrying:

“There is little doubt that this can be used to expose Marius and possibly the royal house to blackmail, not least because there is a reputational risk with cases like this,” he says.



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