The new food plate: more from plants – less from animals! | City of Vienna

The new food plate: more from plants – less from animals! | City of Vienna

2024-09-21 09:00:17

According to the latest nutritional recommendations, fruit and vegetables should be included in every meal, pulses should be eaten three times a week and various types of grain should complement our diet. The recommendations are described in the Ministry of Health’s “Nutrition Plate”. DIE UMWELTBERATUNG offers tips on purchasing and preparing them in its posters on grains and pulses and in the seasonal calendar on

“More plants – less animals” – this long-standing recommendation from DIE UMWELTBERATUNG now also corresponds to the current nutritional recommendations of the Ministry of Health. Health experts are calling for a reduction in the consumption of meat and dairy products in favor of pulses and grains. This is also in line with the Planetary Health Diet, which focuses on human health and the health of our planet. “A balanced diet with the foods that the season has to offer makes us fit for everyday life and the climate fit for the future,” explains Michaela Knieli, nutritionist at DIE UMWELTBERATUNG.

50 percent fruit and vegetables

Vitamins should not be missing from any meal, and vegetables and fruit should make up half of the plate. Regional, organic farming ensures short transport routes and the best quality. In the “Fruit and Vegetable Seasonal Calendar”, DIE UMWELTBERATUNG provides a good overview of when local fruit and vegetables are available freshly harvested or as stored goods. The poster with 48 photos of fruit and vegetables is an eye-catcher in the kitchen and supports eating seasonal foods.

25 percent protein sources: lentils and beans, meat from the field

A quarter of the “nutritional plate” consists of predominantly plant-based protein sources. If you are changing your kitchen, you can learn about the colorful variety of pulses in the “Lentils, Beans & Co” poster – the forgotten rarities can be found there as well as the exotic ones that are grown here. Tips for preparation and recipes motivate you to cook with pulses, which can replace meat in a healthy way and contain a lot of protein.

25 percent grain – variety ensures digestibility

A quarter of the plate is filled with whole grains and potatoes. Here, variety is needed beyond rolls, wheat bread and pasta, as intolerances are increasing. In the poster “Grain variety from Austria”, DIE UMWELTBERATUNG presents 14 different types of grain that are grown in local fields in short portraits. Both the ears of grain and the grain are shown with photos so that they can be more easily distinguished in the field and in the kitchen.


The “Protein Information Package” contains the two posters:

* “Grain diversity from Austria”

* “Lentils, beans & co”

It can be can be ordered.

The seasonal calendar shows at a glance when which types of fruit and vegetables should best be put in your shopping basket:

* “Seasonal calendar fruit and vegetables”

Order and download the calendar for free on

DIE UMWELTBERATUNG offers individual advice on organic nutrition on its hotline at 01 803 32 32.

THE ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY SERVICE is an institution of the Vienna adult education centers, funded by the City of Vienna – Environmental Protection.

#food #plate #plants #animals #City #Vienna



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