The new face of the left

2024-01-12 03:30:00

Although Argentina continues to be a country with a purely Western culture, the issues that are most fervently debated here are very different from those that obsess European and North American intellectuals described as leftists who, currently, They give priority to conflicts linked to “identity politics.”

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This is not a “class struggle” but rather a competition between ethnic and sexual groups that want to appear as the main victims of deep-seated prejudices and hope to be rewarded, with money or prestigious positions, because of how much their fellow human beings have suffered over the centuries.

Those who claim to be terrified by climate change have also become stronger; They warn us that they will soon have catastrophic consequences for the human, animal and plant inhabitants of planet Earth unless a wide range of economic activities are ended very soon.

Unfortunately for us, the most determined environmentalists have been so influential that many governments, including those of Joe Biden in the United States, Rishi Sunak in the United Kingdom and Emmanuel Macron in France, are seeking to satisfy them.

They want to end the consumption of oil, natural gas and even meat as soon as possible; since “Science” has ruled that cattle contribute a lot to global warming.

Since, To recover from the economic disaster that is crushing it, Argentina will need large income from the Vaca Muerta deposits and the countryside, The powerful international green movement faces him with a very serious threat.

Although Kirchnerist militants tried to import the concerns that are fashionable in the United States, hence the allusions to racism that they attributed to the people of Buenos Aires and the campaign in favor of the so-called inclusive language, The impact of the economic crisis has been so destructive that only a small minority feels much interest in the issues that are motivating furious controversies in the most prosperous countries.

For some, the indifference thus manifested will be a symptom of backwardness, but there is no reason to suppose that North American progress and its satellites in Europe and Australia form an authentic vanguard; The illusions in this sense are similar to those of the communists of previous generations who refused to understand that they had entered a dead end. which, as they eventually realized, was leading them nowhere.

Although the collapse of “real socialism” deprived leftists of a model supposedly superior to that of democratic countries, Many would continue to oppose the system prevailing in the developed world in the name of anti-racism or the supposed existence of a multiplicity of sexual “genders.”

However, following stoically enduring the predominance in academic and media circles of “woke” activists who insisted that Western societies, especially the United States, are structurally racist and patriarchal, Those fed up with the fanatics’ abusive rhetoric and their willingness to silence those who disagree with their ideas have begun to rebel.

There are two counteroffensives underway. One is cultural; It is carried out by those opposed to privileging black students over white and Asian students for assuming that their academic failures are always due to white racism, in addition to trying to make people think, as is common in North American intellectual circles, that there will be no social justice until the educational results of all ethnic groups are equal.

As many point out, to achieve the ideal thus proposed it would be necessary to level down, something that has indeed happened in such famous universities as Harvard and Yale.

Recently, those opposed to the “reverse racism” that has become widespread in the American academic world scored a small victory by forcing the president of Harvard, a black woman named Claudine Gay, to resign following being accused of serial plagiarism and anti-Semitism.

The other counteroffensive has to do with the economy. The measures, which the UN and many Western governments say will be necessary to curb climate change, would greatly harm all but the wealthiest. because people would have to pay much more for goods and services that are already expensive.

Even more outraged than low-income consumers are European farmers who fear losing everything; Logically, they support politicians willing to defend their interests, which is why the “far right” is gaining more and more ground in the United States and Europe.

#face #left



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