the new digital banking for individuals from Abanca with which they pay you to go

This Thursday, Abanca presented its nuevo banco digital B100 ‘The Healthy Banking’as a direct commitment to caring for health and the planet, since its offer includes a financial product that generates savings while the client walks, while 25% of the income generated by the ‘Pay to Save’ card will be dedicated to fighting pollution plastic from the sea.

This was explained by the Director of Marketing and Digital Banking at Abanca, Jorge Mahíathis Thursday during the presentation of B100 to the media at an event at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid, together with the product manager, Paloma Barreiro and the Marketing Manager, Luis Franqueira.

With this initiative they seek to get ahead of the new paradigm marked by caring for the planet and health in a digitalized world, generating a “positive impact” both in people and in the planet peror according to “new needs” and with a “long-term vision.”

To do this, they have launched this new bank, which have qualified as 100% digital and that will allow, as they have said, to help the planet with each purchase through these measures and to obtain rewards for health care.

Step counter and plastic collection

B100, which is now available this Thursday on both Android and IOS, has four launch products, three bank accounts and a debit card. In these accounts, the client may opt for a main account, like any current account, a ‘save’ account, focused in savings or a ‘health’ account, more focused on health care.

For the health account, users will be able to link the health application on their devices and the step counter on smartphones and setting daily physical activity goals. If the user manages to meet these daily goals, will generate 3.4% incentives.

For its part, the debit card, is focused on cleaning the planet. To do this, through a platform integrated into the system, 25% of each payment made by users will go to the Spanish start-up project. Gravity Wavewhich collects marine nets from ports and seas, recycles them and turns them into new products.

Furthermore, at all times, the user will be able to know exactly from the bank’s application where that money is destined, and when and where the plastic collection will take place. From Abanca they have opted for a simple interface, where apart from the contracted banking products, lUsers will be able to easily check their physical activity goals and their progress.

This Thursday, Abanca presented its nuevo banco digital B100 ‘The Healthy Banking’as a direct commitment to caring for health and the planet, since its offer includes a financial product that generates savings while the client walks, while 25% of the income generated by the ‘Pay to Save’ card will be dedicated to fighting pollution plastic from the sea.



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