The new calculation method risks lowering the amount of your aid

2024-01-02 13:28:57

This is a new line that appeared on pay slips in July: the “net social amount” or MNS, which appears below the “net payable before tax”. From January 1, 2024, the importance of this line is crucial for all those who benefit from the activity bonus.

Indeed, it is now the amount of the MNS that will have to be indicated on the declaration of quarterly income resources to the Family Allowance Fund (Caf). This will allow the Caf to determine the opening (or not) of rights and to establish the amount of the various social benefits, recalls The Parisian.

A higher social amount, a lower premium

Unfortunately, some beneficiaries of the activity bonus risk losing out. Indeed, the MNS is often higher than the net salary before tax, which risks lowering the amount of the bonus. This is the case of a Social Security employee, who will now declare 1,651 euros compared to 1,560 euros last year.

His activity bonus will therefore drop from 159 to 123 euros. “There are going to be losers, it’s a collateral effect of this reform,” confirms a government advisor to Le Parisien. According to him, there could also be “winners”, namely “those who received nothing due to lack of asking for it or knowing their rights and who will benefit from them”, thanks to the direct transmission of the nominative social declaration from employers ( DSN) to organizations.

The social net amount was introduced to “simplify procedures for beneficiaries” and “facilitate the completion of resource declarations”, according to the site It includes not only salary but also overtime payment, benefits in kind (food, meal vouchers), severance pay and others. Reason why its amount is often greater than an employee’s salary alone.

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