2024-01-28 17:12:11
Before a packed tribune, in front of the Governor of Neuquén, Rolando Figueroaal president of the Argentine Rural Society, Nicolás Pinoand a number of authorities, journalists, partners, producers and visitors, Cecilia de Larminat, president of the Neuquén Rural Societyshared in his speech a summary of some of the main issues that concern the sector: the climate situation, fire prevention, the virtues of maintaining the sanitary barrier, the defense of private property, the need to grant property titles in public lands, security in rural areas, the urgency to expedite the work of justice and improve the condition of roads in the province, among others.
“Know that you can count on this Rural to accompany all those policies that generate more Neuquén production, more genuine development and more free trade, as well as those decisions that eliminate bureaucratic excesses and simplify the life of the interior producer. That is what is going to make our province grow and the people of the deep interior live with more dignity and the roots in the countryside are of quality,” de Larminat told Figueroa at one point in the inaugural speech.
The hope that the Neuquén Executive listens, records and acts on the requests
Last year, the SRN held meetings in different parts of the province to continue federally representing the Neuquén countryside, and in December, the Board of Directors prepared a document with concerns, challenges and proposals from the Neuquén agricultural sector.
“In this writing, we detail the current state of the Neuquén field, the challenges we have to develop it to the maximum and, most importantly, our proposals to face those challenges. The document was hand-delivered to the Governor a few weeks ago, during his visit to the SRN property. We hope that these lines, which contain in more detail what we are saying here today, will serve and contribute when designing and developing policies that involve production.” These topics were also discussed at the sixth Campo Neuquén Roundtable held last Friday within the framework of the Rural Expo.
The letter sent by Patricia Bullrich, Minister of National Security, to Cecilia de Larmitat and the Board of Directors of the SRN, was highlighted at the beginning of the event and read to those present, where she stated: “We are going to guarantee the right to property, we are not going to tolerate the creation of parallel States and we are going to protect the security of the inhabitants of the Argentine Nation. In the territory of the Argentine Republic there is a Nation, and there is one law, the National Constitution. We are going to safeguard the rights enshrined in it. No ancestral vision is above the limits that the national constitution establishes.”.
Highlighted paragraphs from the speech of the Rural Society of Neuquén
Below, we share some highlighted paragraphs from the speech given by Cecilia de Larminat at the inauguration of the 81st Neuquén Rural Expo and 13th Patagonian Horse Exhibition:
-“The year 2023 has passed with a very important climatic improvement for our region, with a winter “like before”, with snow and rain that recharged the layers and made the fields breathe a little, following many years of drought which had us very stagnant and trying to sustain production in the best possible way. Today the fields are in better condition, with more grass and more humidity. We predict that these rainy cycles will continue, since several more years like these are needed to achieve a real and lasting recovery of productive potential.”
-“Let us also hope that these extreme temperatures that we have experienced these days do not dry out the vegetation too much. The combination of hot days, low ambient humidity and accumulation of grassland is the perfect scenario for the much-feared forest fires. During this Exhibition, prevention training was carried out in conjunction with the Patagonian Lands Foundation and the Provincial Fire Management System. However, we ask our authorities to insist on the absolute prohibition of lighting fires in unauthorized places, applying the necessary sanctions so that the message reaches and we understand the seriousness of the risk involved in violating the rule, as well as the implementation of awareness campaigns. that help achieve the 0 fire objective.”
-“We continue working to pave the way and oil the procedures that allow us to take advantage of these conditions and the Free Without Vaccination status so that our meat can go out into the world. To achieve this, we must increase our efficiency, improve provincial production rates, streamline marketing processes and have slaughter plants suitable for export. I would like to emphasize with emphasis the importance of preserving the phytozoosanitary barrier in our Patagonia. This barrier not only protects the health of our livestock and local fauna, but is also the cornerstone of our important status as a “Foot and Mouth Disease Free Zone without Vaccination”.
-“The Rural Society of Neuquén, since its foundation, has been fighting for the defense of the right to private property and the legal security provided by respect for property titles granted by the province many years ago. We have gone through difficult times, where these securities have been questioned, generating uncertainty and, consequently, paralyzing investment. As owners, residents and workers of the land, we need to have that security to continue investing and developing our fields, thus achieving the productive efficiency necessary to be competitive and go out into the world with our products.”
-“We need the position of defense of the rights of Argentines to be clear from the provincial and national authorities, and this request also especially includes the Judicial Power of the Province, stopping and not giving room to those actors who, alleging membership of groups ethnic groups, without legal status or current legal representation, claim dubious rights over lands that are strategic for the provincial and national economy, seeking to keep personal businesses in the areas of Vaca Muerta and other places of interest, through legal devices and factual claims, always violating the rights of others.”
-“Also related to this issue, but from another perspective, we see with concern that a large part of the surface of the province continues to be fiscal land, with occupants for generations who only have precarious tenures, without the security that having the ownership title to that land that they have inhabited for so long. This also generates uncertainty, dependence on the government in power and discourages investment, the care of natural resources and prevents the dignified development of these families.”
-“We see with sadness how enormous extensions of land in the center and north of the province are degrading without restraint, eroded by wind and water, unable to retain the soil due to their little or no vegetation cover due to continuous overgrazing for years, reaching in some places to degrees of deterioration that are difficult to reverse. It is essential that the provincial State undertakes once and for all a comprehensive plan for the titling of public lands, so that those who now call themselves “fiscaleros” become owners, owners of their land and are of this nature. way, justly dignified.”
-“Private ownership of land is the only way for the dignified development of the families that own it: with their own land they will be able to invest in permanent improvements, such as fences and facilities, secure, conserve, protect, access credit, sow, plant , raise animals in a sustainable way, trade formally, knowing that this is THEIR land and no one can take it away from them and that they will be able to dispose of it as long as they decide, no longer depending on the vagaries of politics.”
-“Speaking of rural roots and economic development in the interior, we cannot fail to expose the serious state of deterioration of the network of routes and roads in the province.”
-“It is essential to strengthen security in rural areas and put a stop to rustling, poaching and other crimes, through the implementation of key preventive measures. To complement and enhance the work of security agents, it is essential to expedite the action of Justice in relation to these crimes, seeking to guarantee a rapid, effective and exemplary response.”
-“In Argentina we are experiencing a time of profound changes. After a long electoral process, finally the majority of Argentines voted seeking to be the prosperous country that we once were, with full and quality employment, free trade, growth, vigorous development, investment, and getting out of the vicious circle of decadence in the “We have been stagnant for years, changing course completely.”
-“We have to return to having an education that we are proud of, that provides real opportunities for social advancement, that truly teaches what Argentine children and young people need to know to enter the world of work and decent development, ceasing to be only school retention statistics to become the brilliant students they are called to be, regardless of where they were born or in what social context they are inserted.”
-“I thank and greet our partners and producers in the province, to whom we owe and represent with pride; “They are the backbone of our rural community, dispersed throughout the province, through whose efforts the production of food, fiber, wood and every raw material that makes the development of all possible is achieved.”
Read full speech at:
Photos: Leonardo Casanova – SRN
Report from Junín de los Andes: Fernando Sánchez
#Neuquén #countryside #demands #heard #loudly