The Netherlands in the European newspaper | With computer failure, drug baron and Halina Reijn

According to the French newspaper The World The Netherlands experienced a ‘black day’ on Wednesday 28 August due to a computer failure that started on Tuesday evening and the cause of which is still unclear. At government services, emergency services, but also at Eindhoven Airport, the computers went haywire, resulting in stranded travellers. The police had to fall back on plan B, which involved using mobile phones. After some hesitation, a terrorist action was ruled out by the Dutch authorities.


In the German newspaper The mirror describes the arrest and extradition of a suspected drug lord from Colombia to the Netherlands. The 44-year-old Colombian, nicknamed Sodapuppy, is accused of large-scale cocaine smuggling and the production of crystal meth. The trial in the Netherlands will start soon.


The new Nicole Kidman film, Babygirl, is making waves at the Venice Film Festival. The director is Dutch Halina Reijn, whose “raw, whimsical, moving and darkly funny” film gets four out of five stars in a review by the BBCThe film is about an intern who shows up during the weekend getaway of Kidman’s family and film husband Antoio Banderas. There is said to be a 21st-century Fatal Attraction chemistry between the intern and Kidman, which is played so well by Kidman that according to the British broadcaster this is her bravest and best performance in quite some time.



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