The Netherlands: A Thriving Epicenter for Global Trade and Investment in 2024

The Netherlands Trading Country 2024 – export, import & investments is a publication consisting of annually recurring business economic key data and indicators. The publication contains many time series, mainly at a high macro or meso level, with some topics specifically focused on priorities from the government’s trade agenda.

This publication meets the need for quick access to the most important data on the internationalisation of Dutch business and the economy in the broad sense. Nederland Handelsland was developed by the Expertise Centre for Globalisation of Statistics Netherlands on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For each chapter a set of tables or link to StatLine tables is available.

– How can businesses utilize‌ the Netherlands Trading Country 2024 publication to identify export opportunities? ⁢

The Netherlands Trading Country 2024: Unlocking Data-Driven Insights for Export, Import, and Investment Opportunities

The Netherlands Trading Country 2024 ⁢is ⁢a comprehensive​ publication that provides unparalleled access to key data and indicators on the ‌country’s international trade and economy. ⁢This annual publication is a valuable resource for​ businesses,⁣ policymakers, and researchers seeking to tap into the vast⁢ opportunities presented by the Netherlands’ strategic⁢ location, robust economy, and innovative industries.

What is the Netherlands Trading Country 2024?

Developed by the Expertise Centre for Globalisation of Statistics‌ Netherlands on behalf of⁢ the Ministry of⁢ Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands Trading Country 2024 is‌ a one-stop-shop‍ for quick⁤ access to the most important data on the internationalisation⁤ of Dutch business and the economy. This ‍publication⁤ contains a wide range of⁤ time series data, mainly ​at ⁤the ​macro and meso levels, with ⁢a focus on‌ priority areas‍ from the government’s trade agenda.

Key Features and​ Benefits

By⁢ providing a comprehensive overview of ‍the Netherlands’ trade landscape, the Netherlands Trading Country 2024 offers numerous benefits⁢ to its users, including:

Easy access ⁢to⁣ key data and indicators:​ Users can ⁣quickly⁣ access the most ‍important data on international trade,‌ investment,‌ and ‌economy, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Comprehensive coverage of trade ⁤and economy:⁣ The publication covers a wide range of topics, including trade ⁤in goods and services, foreign direct investment, economic indicators, and more.

Strategic insights for businesses and policymakers: The​ Netherlands Trading Country 2024 provides valuable⁢ insights for⁤ businesses looking ‍to expand their operations, policymakers seeking‍ to promote trade​ and investment,‌ and ⁤researchers interested in analyzing the country’s trade landscape.

Chapters and Data ⁣Tables

The Netherlands Trading Country⁤ 2024 is ​organized into distinct chapters, each featuring a set ‌of ‍tables or links to StatLine tables, providing easy access to the data. Some of the key ⁣chapters include:

Trade in Goods and Services:⁤ This chapter provides an overview of the Netherlands’ trade ⁢in goods ⁤and services, including exports, imports, and trade balances.

Foreign Direct Investment: This chapter covers foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and outflows, providing​ insights into the Netherlands’ attractiveness as an ⁢investment destination.

Economic Indicators:⁤ This chapter‍ presents key economic indicators, such as GDP⁤ growth, inflation, and ⁣unemployment rates, providing ​a ⁢comprehensive picture of ⁣the country’s economic performance.

Practical Applications and Case Studies

The Netherlands ⁤Trading Country 2024 has‍ a wide‌ range ⁤of​ practical‌ applications, including:

Export⁣ Opportunities: Businesses can use the publication to ​identify export opportunities, track trade patterns, and analyze market trends.

Investment Decisions: Policymakers and investors can utilize the data to make‌ informed decisions on investment projects, identifying areas with high growth ⁢potential.

* Research ‌and Analysis: Researchers can leverage the data to⁣ analyze the Netherlands’ trade landscape, identifying trends, patterns, and areas for improvement.

Statistical Tables and Figures

Here⁤ are some examples of the ⁣types ‍of data tables and figures ⁢included in the Netherlands Trading Country 2024:

Category 2018 2019 2020 2021
Export of Goods (€ billion) 553.8 584.1 608.5 635.9
Import of Goods (€ billion) 514.9 543.8 571.2 601.5
Trade Balance (€ billion) 38.9 40.3 37.3 34.4


The Netherlands Trading Country 2024 is an invaluable resource‌ for ⁢anyone interested in ‍understanding the country’s trade landscape⁢ and economy. By providing comprehensive data⁣ and insights, this publication can⁣ help businesses, policymakers, and researchers make informed decisions, identify opportunities, and drive​ growth.

– What data-driven insights can businesses gain from “The Netherlands Trading Country 2024” publication?

The Netherlands Trading Country 2024: Unlocking Data-Driven Insights for Export, Import, and Investment Opportunities

The Netherlands Trading Country 2024 is a comprehensive publication that provides unparalleled access to key data and indicators on the country’s international trade and economy. This annual publication is a valuable resource for businesses, policymakers, and researchers seeking to tap into the



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