The Negative Effects of Abstinence from Intercourse on Women’s Health: The Consulto’s Review

2023-08-17 13:22:24

04:21 PM Thursday, August 17, 2023

the concerto

Some women think that there is no harm in stopping sexual relations for a long time, but surprisingly, abstaining from intercourse has negative effects on women’s health.

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In the next report, The Consulto reviews the effect of stopping sexual intercourse on women’s health, according to WebMD.

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The effect of abstinence from intercourse on women’s health

Cessation of intercourse negatively affects the mental health of women, as cessation of intimacy leads to an increase in stress and anxiety hormones in the body, such as cortisol.

Women who have sex once a month or less become more likely to develop heart disease, compared to women who have sex twice a week, according to research.

In a previous study, researchers found that people who had sex less than twice a week had lower levels of a germ-fighting substance called immunoglobulin A.

Stopping sexual intercourse has negative effects on the quality of sleep, because when a person stops having sex, the brain reduces its secretion of hormones that help stabilize the biological clock, such as prolactin and oxytocin.

When stopping sexual intercourse, a woman feels various pains throughout the body, because the orgasm she reaches during intimate relations stimulates the brain to secrete hormones equivalent to the effectiveness of painkillers, such as endorphins.

– A woman who is cut off from intimacy suffers from high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and poor blood circulation in the body.

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