The need for digitization |

As computer science students, we read the article about the digitization of schools in the March 3rd issue of the SN. read with great interest.
We believe that it is important for future students to have a basic digital education. Every student and every teacher should be able to use a computer, because more and more everyday things are being done digitally and without the necessary basic training, everyday life is becoming increasingly restricted. The social and economic perspective must also be taken into account, because technical skills are becoming increasingly important in everyday work and life.
We also believe that the quality of education will improve as a result of the digitization of schools. As a result, teachers can add more interaction and variety to their lessons using online platforms such as Microsoft Teams and websites such as Kahoot. Thanks to modern technology, the lessons can also be more practice-oriented, for example through the use of virtual reality glasses.
We therefore hope that politicians will make more financial resources available for such projects in the future.

Leon Pichler, Eric König, Marko Mikanovic, HTL St. Johann

Accessed on March 7th, 2023 at 11:00 am

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