The natural juice that helps eliminate gas and reduce inflammation of the abdomen

There are foods that, following being consumed, usually cause that feeling of heaviness and intestinal discomfort, something uncomfortable that can affect all people and that, on occasions, leads them to stop eating some dishes for fear of its consequences.

But just as there are these foodsThere are also others that help alleviate these symptoms; one of them is the watermelon or pin, as it is known in some parts of Colombia.

This fruit has a high water content and does not offer a large caloric load, so it adapts very well to any diet; Watermelon has great digestive properties that help people with the evacuation of annoying gases and waste.

Watermelon is classified by many as one of the best natural diuretics and is recommended to combat fluid retention, also helping the proper functioning of the heart and losing weight in a healthy way.

How to prepare watermelon juice?

  • ½ watermelon
  • 1 bunch of celery
  • A cucumber
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 and ½ liter of water

What you need to do is remove the seeds from the watermelon and cut it into small pieces. Then do the same with the cucumber and wash the bunch of celery. Lemon must be cut into slices.

The next step is to mix the ingredients with water in a blender, except for the lemon. Pour the result, without blending, into a jug and add the lemon slices and the rest of the water.

Store and keep in the fridge for a few minutes and serve with some ice cubes to make it much more refreshing.

Experts recommend taking it when you feel the first symptoms of bloating or indigestion; You can take it regularly 30 minutes following each meal. If you want to detoxify your body, repeat this procedure for a week straight.

Other benefits of eating watermelon every day

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) points out that watermelon is the fruit that contains the most water, therefore it has a low energy content and, in general, few nutrients, although it does contain good amounts of various vitamins and minerals.

In addition to being diuretic, this fruit also It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antihypertensive and digestive properties, Therefore, its regular consumption provides various benefits for the body, according to the specialized health portal, Tua Saúde.

Health benefits of watermelon

Improves intestinal transit

  • Watermelon provides water and fiber, components that help to increase and hydrate the fecal bolus, improving the functioning of intestinal transit.

Helps with weight loss

  • Watermelon provides a small amount of fiber and has few calories, therefore, if combined with a balanced diet, it might promote weight loss.

Improves and prevents fluid retention

  • Watermelon is a fruit that has a high water content, 1 slice provides regarding 280.8 g, so it generates a diuretic effect on the body. It also helps eliminate excess fluid from the body through urine.
  • In addition, it provides potassium, a mineral that favors the elimination of excess body fluid, helping to reduce inflammation, according to Tua Saúde.
  • Watermelon helps keep the body hydrated, since 95% of its composition is water, making it an excellent alternative for the hottest days.

Prevents the formation of kidney stones

cardiovascular prevention

  • Consuming watermelon can be beneficial for cardiovascular health.
  • In addition, this fruit also promotes the metabolism of arginine and citrulline, which is very positive for the heart and hypertension, according to the Mejor con Salud portal.

Strengthens the immune system

  • It stimulates the body’s defense cells, thanks to its contribution of vitamin C and A, which act as antioxidants, preventing the onset of diseases such as the flu.
  • Due to its composition rich in carotenoids, such as lycopene, it is a great option to help protect the skin from damage caused by the sun’s rays.
  • On the other hand, it contains antioxidants that help prevent the damage caused by free radicals in the skin, which prevents premature aging.

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