The national government sends people to Jujuy to destabilize the province

2023-06-20 12:45:25

Patricia Bullrich, pre-candidate for president for Together for Change, assured that the national government seeks to “destabilize” Jujuy by sending militants to the province governed by the radical Gerardo Morales, a focus of conflict this weekend around the changes promoted by the local ruling party to the provincial Constitution.

“The national government sent people in planes from Buenos Aires to Jujuy to invade territory, take over the province of Jujuy and destabilize the Morales government,” denounced the PRO leader, who will be in Córdoba this Tuesday to support the candidacy of Luis Juez.

“That is what is happening in Jujuy. Regardless of the fact that I am going to compete with Morales within Junto de por el Cambio, I was the first to come out in support of him. I believe in institutionality and I am not going to let a province like Jujuy be destabilized by a national government in any way,” Bullrich delved into statements on Pulxo 95.1 radio.

Bullrich pointed against Horacio Pietragalla, Secretary of Human Rights of the Nation, who traveled to Jujuy to support the demonstrations. “Officials go, the Secretary of Human Rights of the Nation goes, activists go looking to destabilize,” he said.

Along these lines, Bullrich was critical of the teachers’ union’s decision to stop this Thursday, a strike that will be replicated throughout the country in solidarity with the Jujuy union.

“Enough, enough, enough strikes for reasons of solidarity. Let’s not use the boys as hostages in any part of the country anymore. We are going to declare the essentiality of education, and an essential education means completing school days. We have to put it in our heads that the Argentine people need their children to study, train and really have a quality education like Argentina was able to have. So we are not going to allow education to be a mess. We need order in education. We need education to be understood as a priority and teachers cannot, due to a conflict elsewhere, stop because in Jujuy there are some who do not like the Constitution”, stated the pre-candidate.

I support Luis Judge

Bullrich will be in Córdoba this Tuesday to support the candidate for governor of Together for Change. “Córdoba must change as the country is on its way to do.

“The election that we are going to have next Sunday in Córdoba is key. I believe that the force of change has been showing its capacity, its strength. And Sunday in Córdoba is another test, ”he said.

Patricia Bullrich. Luis Judge and Rodrigo De Loredo (Pedro Castillo / File)

The pre-candidate avoided anticipating who will be her presidential running mate. Asked if it will be a radical, and among them Maximilianio Abad from Buenos Aires or Luis Petri from Mendoza, she said: “I don’t like that the names are going around, they are two valuable people and we will announce it in the next few days. Everyone on our team is a person I deeply respect and that’s why I would take him to that place.”

He also did not want to define who will be the head of the list of national Deputies for Córdoba, a position that seems very safe for the mayor of Jesús María, the radical Luis Picat. “Picat is a great mayor. We are going to announce it in the next few days”, affirmed the pre-candidate.

The situation in Chaco

Bullrich also referred to the victory of the opposition in the primary elections of Chaco, a province traversed by the pain of the crime of the young Cecilia Strzyzowski, with ties to piquetero leaders linked to Governor Jorge Capitanich.

“I was in Chaco two weeks ago, I was in Resistencia, I was in Charata, and I really was convinced that there was a phenomenon of change, of weariness, of a government that treats people as if they did not have the capacity to thinking, taking away all autonomy, wanting to manage a province as fiefdoms, and the truth is that I felt fed up”, he stated.

“The apparatus of power generating a murder is a disaster. It is terrible when power takes impunity to what extent it can go. So the truth is that the victory of Together for Change in Chaco is very important. It is an ethical model against a model of impunity. That is what we want people to know. It is an ethical model against a model of impunity. It is a model of transparency against a model of abuse of power. It happened to me two weeks ago. They were there picketing me in a car. At that time, they could already have murdered Sicily, they could already have their hands bloody,” Bullrich said.

#national #government #sends #people #Jujuy #destabilize #province

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