The National Defense Course can be discounted for up to 15 days. College students only need to be a soldier for 3.5 months at the minimum

National defense courses can be discounted for up to 15 days, and college students only need to be soldiers for 3.5 months at a minimum. (file photo)

2022/03/21 06:11

First draft 03-20 23:23
Update time 03-21 06:11

[Reporter Lin Xiaoyun/Taipei Report]Whether the military service period should be extended has caused discussion. The junior college soldier is currently serving a 4-month service period, but according to the National Defense Education Law, if high school vocational and college students take national defense courses, they can be deducted for up to 15 days. , that is, the shortest actual service period is only 3.5 months.

Wu Linhui, director of the Department of Education and Special Education of the Ministry of Education, explained that according to the National Defense Education Law, schools at all levels must promote national defense education. Elementary and junior high schools are integrated into the curriculum, high school vocational students are required to take 2 credits, and colleges and universities are required or optional. , In order to encourage the opening of courses, the Ministry of Education has included the promotion effect into the indicators of the awards and subsidies for colleges and universities.

Wu Linhui also explained that the service period is deducted. Taking the draftee following 1983 as an example, a maximum of 5 days can be discounted at the senior secondary school stage, and a maximum of 10 days at the junior college stage, and the total discount shall not exceed 15 days.

Zeng Yongda, an instructor at the National Jinan International University, said in an interview that he is the only instructor at Jinan University, so the National Defense Course is an elective course with a maximum number of 50 students. , but there are also a small number of girls who are interested in taking courses, and there are also students in the “National Defense Reserve Officer Class” of the Ministry of National Defense.

Zeng Yongda said that following the Ukrainian-Russian war, the students were more enthusiastic regarding the course discussion, but he observed that the students’ awareness of crisis still needs to be strengthened. Do more guidance to improve students’ awareness of crisis.

An unnamed private school instructor pointed out that most of the students took the national defense course following the demobilization period. They swiped their mobile phones in class, were inattentive, and lacked motivation to study. It was suggested to relax the hours of auxiliary teaching activities, and at least half of the time might be arranged for students to visit, such as Going to the camp to experience self-defense techniques, troop fighting postures, etc., can also be incorporated into tactical skills courses, practical training, etc., which will help to connect with military service.

The unnamed college military training instructor said that, according to his observations in the classroom, limited by the traditional concept of “good men should not be soldiers”, the proportion of young people who are willing to join the army for the country is not high. It is terrifying and leads the students to imagine how to defend the homeland and the country if Taiwan is invaded, so as to enhance the students’ national identity. It is suggested that the course can include live ammunition shooting experience, etc., to enhance the actual combat capability.

The Ministry of Education stated that the syllabus does not stipulate the proportion of actual practice courses. The instructors design teaching activities, incorporate them into the school curriculum plan, and submit them to the school curriculum development committee for deliberation and approval, and then they can be implemented.

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