The name of your ex given to a cockroach, his letters recycled in toilet paper… 3 good ideas for a petty Valentine’s Day

Every Valentine’s Day, various companies and organizations double their inventiveness for Valentine’s Day, just to advertise inexpensively around February 14.

However, it is not only a question of sending love to the chosen one or the chosen one of his heart. With a lot of imagination, humor and a good dose of pettiness, some companies offer to take revenge on your ex (or your “future ex”) with rather original methods. Here are three cool ideas to vent your resentment and ease your conscience.

Give your ex’s name to a real living cockroach

The Toronto Zoo, in Canada, allows you, for a donation of $25, to symbolically name your ex (or anyone you choose) following one of the cockroaches who live their peaceful lives within of this large animal park.

Its insects, little loved by the general public, have a major ecological role in the great cycle of life. “Valentine’s Day is not a good time for everyone, we were inspired by American zoos with similar initiatives”explains Kelsey Godel, coordinator of donation programs.

Once the cockroach of your choice has been selected (they all look alike, in fact the zoo does not promise you to be able to find exactly your little darling in the event of an impromptu visit), you will receive a digital certificate with the name of your former(ne) lover associated with the cockroach. All information is available on the website.

Turn your ex’s love letters… into toilet paper

Very often, confronting the letters and other messages and text messages of a once loved one is a difficult test. The Australian brand of toilet paper Who Gives a Crap, which usually produces original PQ rolls with various patterns, posted a rather special offer on its site a few weeks before Valentine’s Day.

The “Flush your ex” campaign aims to salvage crazy love letters, heated WhatsApp conversations, Valentine’s Day greeting cards, and more, to turn them into recycled toilet paper rolls.

Something to make you smile once more, when you wipe your behind with the now hated words of your ex… before flushing, in a mixture of relief and joy. All the information on this very tasteful brand can be found ici.

Replace your ex with the object of your choice in your photos

Picsart is, in a way, artificial intelligence at the service of revenge.

The photo editing service has recently offered an AI capable of transforming any bulky ex into a baguette, tuna sandwich, giant mobile phone or Eiffel Tower… the choice is vast.

It will be understood, it is regarding humor, as mean and low of the front as it is. A way especially for this American company to show how powerful its tools are, allowing to cut out any object or person. Whether they are still part of our life or not. You can try the tool here.



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