the name of the economist Laurence Tubiana proposed by the PS, the Ecologists and the PCF

In the midst of negotiations on the left last week, socialists, environmentalists and communists proposed a list of names to La France Insoumise, among which was that of Laurence Tubiana.

The name of economist Laurence Tubiana was among those proposed last week by the PS, the Ecologists and the PCF for Matignon, BFMTV has learned, confirming information from France Info this Monday, July 15.

After several days of negotiations – which began the day following the results of the legislative elections which saw the New Popular Front come out on top – several names were mentioned at the end of last week. Starting with Huguette Bello, president of the region of La Réunion, proposed by the PCF and supported by the rebels before she declined due to the lack of consensus.

The name of Laurence Tubiana has also been cited by socialists, environmentalists and communists.

Arm wrestling on the left

This Monday, the three parties announced that they would propose to the Insoumis a personality “from civil society” for Matignon, without however naming Laurence Tubiana.

“Today, together with the environmentalists and the communists, we have made a proposal for a joint candidacy from civil society for the post of Prime Minister, enabling the entire left to unite around the project that we have put forward,” was written in the PS press release.

Matignon: why is it stuck on the left? – 12/07

LFI had ruled out this hypothesis a little earlier, first demanding an agreement on the presidency of the National Assembly.

Several LFI deputies also reacted to Laurence Tubiana’s possible proposal for Matignon. “I cannot believe that following having vetoed Huguette Bello’s candidacy, Olivier Faure is preparing to try to impose a Macron-compatible candidacy for Matignon on the New Popular Front,” lamented Paul Vannier. And added: “It would be a betrayal of the commitment made to millions of voters.”

Nathalie Oziol saw this as a potential “reneging on the commitments made in the NFP”. While Aurélien Taché commented: “While I remember her as an indisputable climate expert, her ideas seemed to me closer to those of Nicolas Hulot than to the New Popular Front.”

Anthony Lebbos with Théo Putavy



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