The Mystery of Qigong’s Healing Ability How to Choose a Good Qigong? | Meditation | Health | Qi and blood circulation

In Chinese society, many people knowqigongIt is very helpful to people’s health, and many people who are suffering from incurable diseases will want to seek Qigong treatment. Now, not only in the Chinese circle, but also many people in the West choose to practice qigong to keep fit. What exactly is qigong, and what effects can qigong treatment have on our health? How can we choose the qigong that is more suitable for us?

qigongHow to improve health?Inseparable relationship with Chinese medicine

To understand the therapeutic efficacy of Qigong, we must first understand some basic knowledge of Chinese medicine.

Chinese medicine has a very clear understanding of the energy system of the human body: people have biological energy in their living bodies, and it is because of biological energy that we have vital signs. The electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram checked by the doctor also monitor whether a person has biological energy, but the doctor will not know what the essence of biological energy is, because it is invisible. In traditional Chinese medicine, biological energy is called “Qi” – this Qi is like air, invisible and intangible, but human life activities are inseparable from it.

Just as blood circulation takes place in blood vessels, Qi also travels in an invisible channel. This channel is very complex, like a network – that is, the meridians in Chinese medicine. If the meridians are blocked or run in the opposite direction, it will cause various problems in the body.

In TCM theory, Qi also has a balance problem: heat, cold, dampness, dryness, movement and stillness. If there is a balance problem of Qi, such as insufficient kidney yin, hot flashes and night sweats will occur, so the energy in the body needs to be balanced.

So, how to exercise qi, how to make qi, blood and meridians healthier?

In simple terms, the function of qigong is to allow qi to move in order to achieve these goals:

● Promote the circulation of qi and blood and keep the meridians unobstructed;

● keep Qi and blood running in the correct direction;

● Maintain the energy properties of qi and blood, including the balance of heat and cold, dry and wet, dynamic and static.

The focus of qigong is not meditation, but good thoughts

As we all know, there are many reasons why people get sick. There are emotional reasons and living habits. So where do the emotional reasons come from?

For example, if a person were to physically attack you, they would have to touch your muscles or bones in order to injure you. But if a person wants to hurt you energetically, they don’t need to touch you at all, just say a vicious language, give you a very cold look, or an ugly face, which will definitely make you more uncomfortable than hitting you. . Then, if you are in an emotionally unhealthy environment for a long time, whether it is a family environment or a social environment, the person’s energy will definitely be greatly affected – emotional stress will also cause blockage and imbalance of Qi and blood.

When the human heart is calm and the blood circulation is very good, the body will be healthy, which is why Chinese medicine says that peace of mind is the secret of longevity. Chinese medicine emphasizes the need for peace of mind, and emphasizes breathing and meditation. The foundation needed to produce good results. However, being calm is easy to say, but difficult to do, because there are many things in this world that can affect our mentality, and we need to practice to achieve peace of mind.

And a person’s emotions are the reactions and judgments made by what happens around him – if it is bad, he will be angry, if it is good, he will be happy. So, what determines our judgment? It’s our values, it’s a matter of one’s worldview and beliefs. Therefore, belief is a very important thing. In traditional Chinese medicine, for example, the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine also repeatedly emphasizes something called virtue. It is a very good thing that we people produce when we have a healthy belief system. As far as our souls are concerned, energy has an eternal effect, and this involves another concept of qigong.

Many of us exercise our bodies by running and exercising. When we talked regarding qigong in the past, many people also understood qigong as a kind of exercise.

In fact, if you have read Zhuan Falun by Mr. Li Hongzhi, you will understand that qi and gong are not the same thing. Gong actually refers to a kind of eternal energy generated when a person practices and cultivates the mind, which is directly related to the future of the soul.

Why do we say that we practice qigong with good thoughts,meditateAre there benefits? Because the point of meditating with good thoughts is not meditation, but good thoughts. Chinese medicine also emphasizes “Virtue”, which is actually a very healthy and eternal energy. Because qi is very unstable, it will be constantly consumed; and qi is very sensitive, it is easily affected by emotions and external things – it will run in the wrong direction at every turn, lose its balance, and so on. People say that if you have anger, you will get sick. You will be busy all your life, but you will be busy with anger. All emotions are anger.

I used to pay no attention to my beliefs, emotions, lifestyle, and relationships with people, but only paid attention to my body, and now I am trying to remedy the situation. Because people do not live for the body in the end, no matter how healthy the body is, it will eventually come to an end, and only the maintenance of the body will eventually make people feel empty and fearful. But the essence of human life, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, is that the human soul can be nourished by morality. In fact, both the West and the East have the same concept of meditation on good thoughts, which is called positive energy psychology.

How to choose a better qigong

We know that there are many exercise methods in the West, such as yoga, and there are many qigong schools in Asia, some of which require a lot of fees to learn. In such a situation, how can we find the qigong that suits us?

Yoga, mindfulness, meditation these dayshealth careMany of the methods are derived from the earliest traditional practice and cultivation concepts. Later people did not understand the meaning of cultivation, so they dismembered the system of cultivation, took out some content that met their own thoughts and needs, and turned it into various methods and added new terms. Therefore, the various types of yoga we are seeing now have become a treatment method for people, and of course they will be charged. However, there is no charge for the original practice—the practice method taught by Jesus in the past is not chargeable, it just tells people what to do and what not to do; Sakyamuni does not charge; Taoist ancestor Lao Tzu does not charge.

There is no charge for these true traditional practices, its purpose is to save the human soul, and the benefits to the body are only a by-product, not its focus.

Therefore, I personally suggest that you should choose a good practice method, not a method that has been transformed, improved, or mutated, because the real Qigong practice is free of charge, because its purpose is not to make your money , not entirely for your health and fitness. A good cultivation system is important for you to be able to benefit from all levels: biochemical, energy and soul. It is a very integrated, very complete system.

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Responsible editor: Li Qingfeng◇



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