The mysterious message found carved on Stephen Hawking’s tombstone – Enséñame de Ciencia

2023-08-08 02:02:40

Throughout our history, as human beings, personalities that stand out for their intellect and for what they manage to do with it have emerged at different points in time.

Innovations, research, discoveries, science in general. These characters appear at different times, and the most recent intellectual eminence, in our time, is the theoretical physicist Stephen William Hawking.

This scientist, who despite the limitations he had during his life, made his way through the world of science with your incredible intelligence and the studies he achieved.

Born on January 8, 1942, curiously on the 300th anniversary of the death of Galileo, of British origin, he was born in the city of Oxford. During this time, families were suffering the ravages of World War II, and Hawking and his family were no exception.

Over the years, Stephen began his studies, taking and finishing each one until he got degrees in mathematics and physics, and it was there that he began his path down the path of science.

And it was not until 1963, that after a skating accident, Hawking was diagnosed with neuromuscular degenerative disorder. A disease that would change his life forever, limiting his movement progressively to the point of barely being able to move his hands.

As we can find it on the website Biographies and LivesHowever, the physicist, despite the physical limitations he had, continued with his life, since his intellectual capacity shone more than his illness, becoming one of the most outstanding minds of our generation.

Earning that position with his studies on black holes and his references in space-time theories. Throughout his career, Stephen Hawking was one of the best theoretical physicists, astrophysicists, cosmologists, and science writers of our time.

Leaving us not only theories and studies that broaden our understanding of the universe, but also messages and emotional ways of seeing everything that surrounds us.

Unfortunately, on March 14, 2018, the physicist Stephen Hawking exhaled his last breath, thus leaving his physical body on this earthly and lifeless plane, dying.

The remains of the famed scientist were buried in a cemetery at Westminster Abbey, a church in the City of Westminster, London. Taking place between the graves of Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin.

Just as in life, the scientist wanted to send an emotional symbolic message to everyone who saw his grave, and that is that Hawking chose to place an inscription that says: “Here lies what was deadly about Stephen Hawking” for his translation, since, the original text is written in English.

This line is the same that we can find in the tomb of Isaac Newton, but in Latin, a black hole is carved next to that phrase, in honor of the main studies of the scientist.

Likewise, we can find a mathematical formula, which is what the scientist used to calculate the radiation emitted by black holes. One of his greatest achievements, including this radiation that we mentioned, bears his name, Hawking Radiation, the same formula that tells us that the more mass a black hole has, the Hawking radiation has less temperature.

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