The Mysterious Disappearance of Jill Sparks Intrigues Many

Avoid a new trial at all costs? On Thursday, September 5, Hunter Biden, the son of American President Joe Biden, was back in court. This time in Los Angeles and on charges of tax fraud. And the former leading lawyer surprised everyone by pleading guilty to the charges he is accused of. A strategy that allows him to avoid a potentially embarrassing new trial, but which exposes him to 17 years in prison and a $1.35 million fine.

ABC News recalls that Hunter Biden was charged last December with running a financial scheme to avoid paying $1.4 million in taxes “while spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on luxury cars, clothes, escorts, drugs and five-star hotels.” He is facing nine charges, including “failure to pay,” tax evasion and making false statements. This is despite ultimately paying all of his back taxes and penalties.

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Hunter Biden’s sentence will be announced on December 16. But already, the American press predicts that, regardless of the decision, his father will grant him a presidential pardon. Joe Biden has nevertheless stated in the past that he would not grant clemency to his son.

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“Put your family first”

It appears that Hunter Biden has decided to take responsibility for his actions rather than subject his family to another humiliating trial, where prosecutors had planned to revisit his drug history, his questionable handling of his overseas businesses and call a dozen witnesses, including his sister, Ashley Biden.

“After watching prosecutors exploit his family’s pain during the Delaware trial and realizing they planned to do it again here in California, Hunter decided to litigate to protect those he loves from needless injury and cruel humiliation,” his attorney, Abbe Lowell, said. “Today, Hunter put his family first.”

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I can never thank my family members for being there for me and helping me through the worst times. But I can protect them from public humiliation for my failures.

Hunter Biden

In a statement released after the hearing, Hunter Biden said: “I went to trial in Delaware not realizing the anguish it would cause my family, and I will not put them through that again. For everything I have put them through over the years, I can spare them this, and so I have decided to plead guilty.”

“I’ve been clean and sober for over five years now because I’ve had the love and support of my family,” he said. “I can never repay them for being there for me and helping me through the worst of times. But I can protect them from public humiliation for my failures.”

Jill Biden absent, Melissa Cohen in support

Unlike during his trial for illegal possession of a firearm in Delaware, Hunter Biden was not able to count on the unconditional support of his mother-in-law, Jill Biden, who was in New York for the presentation of Ralph Lauren’s new collection. The president’s son was simply accompanied by his partner, Melissa Cohen, to whom he largely owes his redemption.


Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud Charges to ⁤Avoid Embarrassing Trial

In a surprising turn⁣ of events, Hunter ⁤Biden, the ⁢son of‌ American President ‌Joe Biden, pleaded guilty ‍to‍ tax fraud⁤ charges on September⁣ 5, 2024, ⁤in a Los Angeles court. This unexpected‌ move ‍spares him a potentially embarrassing trial, but⁢ exposes him to⁤ a possible 17 years in prison and a $1.35 ⁤million fine [[1]].

According ⁤to ‌reports, Hunter Biden was charged with running a ⁢financial scheme to avoid paying $1.4 million in⁢ taxes, instead spending hundreds of thousands ‍of dollars on luxury cars, clothes, escorts, drugs, and five-star hotels [[2]]. Despite paying all of his ⁣back taxes and penalties, he faces⁣ nine charges, including “failure to pay,” ⁢tax evasion, and‍ making false statements.

The guilty plea comes as a strategy to avoid a new trial, which would have subjected his family​ to further humiliation and ⁤pain.​ Prosecutors⁣ had planned to revisit his‍ drug history,​ questionable handling of⁣ his overseas businesses, and call⁢ a dozen witnesses, including his sister, Ashley Biden [[3]]. Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, stated that ⁢his ⁣client decided⁢ to‌ plead guilty ‌to protect his ⁤loved ones‍ from “needless injury and cruel humiliation.”

In a statement released after the hearing, ​Hunter Biden expressed his gratitude towards his family for their support, saying, “I can never thank my family members for being there for‍ me and helping me through the‌ worst times. But I can protect them from public humiliation for my failures.”‍ He ⁢also acknowledged the ⁢pain he​ had caused his family ‍in ‌the past, stating,‌ “I went to​ trial⁣ in Delaware ​not realizing the anguish it would cause⁢ my family, and I will‌ not put them‍ through that​ again.”

Hunter Biden’s sentence is scheduled ⁢to be ⁤announced on December 16. ⁣While some predict that his father, President⁤ Joe Biden, may ‌grant him a⁤ presidential pardon, the⁤ President has previously stated that⁢ he ​would not grant clemency to ‍his son.

This development marks‍ a ⁤significant turn in the case, as Hunter Biden takes responsibility⁢ for his actions and prioritizes protecting his family ‌from further embarrassment. As he faces the possibility of a lengthy prison sentence, the American public is left to wonder if his father’s influence will play a role in his ultimate fate.



[2] ⁣


What led Hunter Biden to plead guilty to tax evasion charges instead of going to trial?

Hunter Biden’s Surprising Guilty Plea: A Desperate Attempt to Avoid Embarrassing Trial

On September 5, Hunter Biden, the son of American President Joe Biden, made a shocking move by pleading guilty to tax fraud charges in a Los Angeles court [[2]]. This unexpected decision allows him to avoid a potentially embarrassing new trial, but it also exposes him to 17 years in prison and a $1.35 million fine.

According to ABC News, Hunter Biden was accused of running a financial scheme to avoid paying $1.4 million in taxes “while spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on luxury cars, clothes, escorts, drugs, and five-star hotels” [[1]]. He faced nine charges, including “failure to pay,” tax evasion, and making false statements, despite ultimately paying all of his back taxes and penalties.

By taking responsibility for his actions, Hunter Biden has chosen to prioritize his family’s well-being over his own interests. In a statement, his attorney, Abbe Lowell, explained that Hunter decided to plead guilty to protect his loved ones from “needless injury and cruel humiliation” [[1]]. This move has sparked speculation that Hunter Biden is trying to avoid a trial that would have revisited his drug history, questionable overseas business dealings, and possibly even dragged his family members, including his sister Ashley Biden, into the spotlight.

Despite paying all of his back taxes and penalties, Hunter Biden still faces serious consequences for his actions. His sentence is scheduled to be announced on December 16, and many are wondering if his father, President Joe Biden, will grant him a presidential pardon. Joe Biden has previously stated that he would not grant clemency to his son, but only time will tell if he will stick to this commitment.

Hunter Biden’s decision to plead guilty has also sparked debate about the role of family in high-profile legal cases. In a statement, Hunter Biden said, “I went to trial in…,” emphasizing his desire to protect his family from further public scrutiny [[1]]. This sentiment is echoed in his book, “Cose belle,” where he writes about the solitude that surrounds addiction and the importance of putting family first [[3]].

As the world waits for Hunter Biden’s sentence to be announced, one thing is clear: his decision to plead guilty has sent shockwaves through the legal and political communities. Whether this move will ultimately benefit him or his family remains to be seen.



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