The Mysterious Case of the Nameless Man and the Disappearance of Young Giorgakis

“In this case there are many elements in common with me that I don’t know because I haven’t experienced them, I don’t remember them. But I might be, why not?’

“If this woman hears me, go get a test. I don’t want to claim something, but I want to know my roots.”

The 45-year-old insists and asks his relatives for a DNA test to determine if he is one of the 4 children who disappeared in the 80s-90s in the wider Peloponnese area.

His story sounds like a Netflix script, but it’s true.

“I am a man among you who desperately asks that I may at last end my matter.” It’s Peter. The man without an identity who, as he says, has no memories of his childhood. He does not know his last name, his date of birth or even if he has parents or siblings.

He speaks exclusively to Live News asking for help tracing his roots.

“I have nothing to hide, nothing to fear. I am clear sky.”

For his own personal reasons he chose not to show his face, but something that might have helped a relative to identify him.

– All these documents Peter are the attempts on your life?

– It’s my life. I am fighting tooth and nail to finish my issue and no one is seeing it.

Even his pronunciation could be an element to determine the place of origin of this man, with him however stating that the first memories he has were from when he was 10 years old and he was wandering around the regions of the Peloponnese, and specifically in Kalamata, Arcadia and Messinia.

-What is the first memory you have? As a child, as a youth?

-I remember an intense event when I was getting on the KTEL bus from Messinia to Athens. I remember it because it was raining a lot those few days. And it was also cold, I remember. I don’t remember any further things. Only this. That’s where my memory starts.

So his memories begin from that rainy day in the 90s when, at the age of 10, he entered – as he says – all alone on the bus without a ticket from Messinia bound for Athens.

“I didn’t get a ticket. There was some man who dropped me off and I went for walks. And he told me he recognized me because I don’t remember these things. He recognized me and said to me, “What the hell, Peter?”

The gaps in the story, as Peter says he remembers it, are many and in no way lead to safe conclusions. To begin with, it is worth wondering how in Greece in the 90s a small child traveled for hours alone in a KTEL and then in Athens he slept on benches and ate from the garbage to survive, but no one was found to help him or inform the authorities.

The hospital record and the “diagnosis”

The 45-year-old Petros claims that he suffers from autobiographical amnesia and even says that there is a document from a public hospital that certifies it.

“We did tests. We went to Aeginite. I do have a selective memory. I don’t know, I’m not responsible. And in fact there is also a State document”.

Live News presents for the first time the document from the Aeginite Hospital that it refers to. But the official document cited speaks of “reported autobiographical amnesia”.

“Reason for entry: Reported autobiographical amnesia. The patient reports an inability to recall autobiographical events,” the hospital document reads. At the same time, he reports intense sleep disturbances with very unpleasant recurring dreams.”

The official document, however, talks about reported autobiographical amnesia and as the neurologist, Antigoni Goulievaki, explains to Live News, when a doctor writes the word “reported” he essentially means that this has been reported by the patient during his admission and in no case constitutes a diagnosis doctor.

The 45-year-old spent two days in the clinic and underwent a series of neurological tests to determine if there is any brain damage.

“Tomographic imaging tests must be done to determine any damage,” the neurologist pointed out.

All these tests were performed on the patient in question and as the neurologist who examined him wrote in his conclusion, he did not detect any pathological findings.

“This is a young man who reports an inability to recall autobiographical events. No pathological findings are observed from the imaging and other laboratory tests carried out. From the clinical assessment, there is a strong emotional burden on the patient which probably needs further assessment by a psychiatrist”, according to the doctor’s diagnosis.

What do the doctors say?

He is a man who says he doesn’t remember his childhood at all. The experts explain that if someone really shows memory gaps, it is possible that he was abused in the past or had a very difficult childhood.

Many times the problem can be of a psychiatric and not a neurological nature, i.e. there is no brain damage but the patient does not remember events and situations of the past because he is probably suffering from intense post-traumatic stress.

Autobiographical forgetfulness is extremely rare in the literature with the doctor who examined the 45-year-old in Aeginetio in 2010 referring him to further tests by a psychiatrist since the neurological examination performed on him did not reveal any pathological findings.

The disappearance of 10-year-old Giorgakis

The best-known disappearance story of that time is that of 10-year-old Giorgakis, who 32 years later still remains unaccounted for.

It is a case that shocked the country, made headlines in the newspapers and was never closed.

“Agony for the 10-year-old. Not even the Swiss mountaineers found traces of him in the ravines of Arcadia.”

June 24, 1992. Little Giorgos Paraskevopoulos had gone on vacation with his grandparents in mountainous Gortynia and that morning he went up to the barn with the animals. Although it was a route he often took that morning he mysteriously disappeared

In a difficult part of the mountain, after months, the bags that the little boy was holding were found. A resident of the area even reported that he saw a child with the characteristics of little George coming down from the mountain. The searches continued for months without result.

The disappearance of little Giorgakis had shocked the country. In order to locate him, they even recruited researchers from Switzerland who “combed” the area with trained dogs.

The child’s parents never stopped looking for their son and in the following years they searched for their little angel through broadcasts.

“Disappearance. This agony is suffocating you to know where he is now. Is that what he eats? Where does he spend his evening? You can’t go on. I live only to find my child.”

The child’s parents then claimed that valuable time had been lost. Although he had disappeared by midday on Wednesday the two parents were finally informed on Thursday night when the phone suddenly rang in the middle of the night.

Over the years, the case was filed with the family of little Giorgakis, however, never stopped looking for the 10-year-old boy with the big eyes who went missing one June morning on the slopes of Gortynia.

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#man #identity #unsolved #mystery #disappearance #10yearold #Giorgakis



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