The municipality will pay $32.4 million for 3 years of renting the property of the largest fair in Bariloche

2023-05-05 23:55:53

The mayor Gustavo Gennuso tovalued the renewal of the lease contract for two private properties that will allow the continuity of the “Without Borders” fair and the stallholders who work on weekends at the property, located on Otto Goedecke street, between 25 de Mayo and Chubut. The agreed rent is for the period from February 2023 to February 2026. The municipality will pay the owner for those 3 years a sum of 32,485,500 pesos, as authorized by resolution 1293-I-2023 that Gennuso signed this Friday.

The resolution authorizes to pay 375,000 pesos for the first 6 months of rent. As of August 1, 2023, it rises to 506,250 per month. The contract provides that from February 1, 2024, the municipality will disburse 683,400 pesos per month. As of August 1, 2024, it will increase to 922,600 pesos per month.

The municipality will pay from February 1, 2025, 1,245,000 pesos per month. From August 1, 2025 to February 1, 2026, it will disburse 1,681,500 pesos per month for the rent of the two properties.

The municipal chief of staff, Marcela González Abdala, explained this Friday to BLACK RIVER what The rent has been paid by the municipality since the start of the regularization of the stallholders in 2015. “And on the other hand, the fairgrounds are charged for their stalls,” he said. Although he did not have in mind what percentage they pay of the total rent. “I don’t remember now, but we try to get the rental value covered,” he said.
Regarding the amounts, he recalled: “Like any rental contract, the values ​​are updated. And now the contract had expired and it was renewed”

González Abdala recalled the ordering process that was carried out from 2015 and that allowed to locate the fairgrounds, who then worked on the sidewalk of Onelli streetbetween May 25 and Chubut, on the premises of the “Sin Fronteras” fair.

He asserted that the municipality “rented that property to be able to order them.” YoHe indicated that the municipality rents the space of the “Without Borders” fair and the back part that comes out to Otto Goedecke.

He stressed that the renewal of the contract with the owner allows the continuity of dozens of jobs. He said that the municipality “intervenes because the private rents it only to the municipality.”

The recitals to take into account

Gennuso highlighted in the recitals of the resolution that was agreed between the parties, “that will be the responsibility and account of the lessee, the repairs, breakdowns, paintings, damages and depreciation that were caused by the misuse of the same, but not those resulting from normal and natural wear and tear as a result of the use of the thing, and/or the mere passage of time and/or building, structural and/or any other type of damage, whether pre-existing or future, which will remain the sole responsibility of of the Landlord”.

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“If the Landlord finds himself in the situation of carrying out repairs, he must request a minimum of three budgets for the work to be carried out, among which he must choose the one that, by virtue of the budgeted amount and the suitability of the contractor, is reasonably more convenient for the effects of carrying out the corresponding repairs, and once they have been completed, send the corresponding invoice to the Tenant, who must reimburse the amount within sixty calendar days from its notification ”, indicates the resolution.

If the Tenant had to carry out repairs that should be the responsibility of the Landlord, You must have prior authorization to carry them out and once the work is finished, present the corresponding invoices to the Landlord, in which case you will be obliged to deduct them from the rental price corresponding to the month after the presentation of the same”, the contract provides.

It was further determined that the taxes and services of the rented property “that will be in charge of the Lessee, are detailed below: electricity (CEB), gas (Camuzzi Gas del Sur), water (Aguas Rionegrinas SA), Fee for Paid Services (Municipal Tax)”.

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