These boards emit light signals in the form of images of traffic signs, combined with a text warning regarding repairs, traffic jams, icy sections, traffic accidents, etc. emergencies on the road. “We want the residents and guests of the city to be promptly informed in real time regarding changes or problems in the traffic situation,” commented Mayor Dimitar Nikolov. The facilities were built as part of the activities under the project of the Municipality of Burgas, called “Integrated model for the management of urban mobility – Stage I”. It was financed with own funds from the budget, as well as with funds under the OP “Growing Regions” 2014 – 2020 d. The boards are part of the already introduced Integrated Traffic Management System in Burgas and are controlled by the Center for Video Surveillance and Traffic Management. The system will be upgraded and through it, it will be possible to visualize even more diverse road information, load data and indicating detour routes, the time for transit through the city, etc. Thus, drivers of vehicles passing through the territory of the municipality will be greatly facilitated and efforts for a higher level of road safety will be supported.