The municipal library adds new books related to environmental issues

The municipal library adds new books related to environmental issues

Thanks to the joint work with the Institute for Sustainable Development of Rafaela and the institutional commitment of the Club 9 de Julio to caring for the environment, the “Lermo Rafael Balbi” Municipal Library received 10 new titles, linked to environmental themes that citizens can enjoy.

In this context, the 9 de Julio Club donated 10 new titles to add to the more than 60 copies that are already available in the environmental section of the “Lermo Rafael Balbi” Municipal Library.

The presentation was made by Sergio Sara, Daniel Galfre and Marcelo Andretich on behalf of the Board of Directors of Club 9 de Julio. The material in physical or digital format is already available for citizens to read and make inquiries in the room.

IDSR director Enrique Soffietti said that “the books delivered to the library have a very important value, they address current environmental issues that are in trend, by recognized and specialized authors, who have solid research and foundations. They are a great contribution to continue adding the environmental perspective in all spaces.”

For her part, the Secretary of Education and Culture, Norma Becchio, stressed that “I welcome these initiatives because in the context of the digital age, they encourage us to return to the library, with books. A valuable practice that we must not lose and that we must encourage in the new generations. Citizens have tools at their disposal and a space like the library, which motivates them to research, to learn, to continue generating learning.”

In turn, Sergio Sara added that “the club has made a commitment to caring for the environment since 2015, when its new statute came into effect, in everything related to waste separation, composting, and reforestation of the premises. And the donation of books with environmental themes aims to add to the work we have already been doing. The club is not only a sports issue, sustainability is incorporated into our institution because we want to go beyond the results of a weekend, also make another type of contribution to society, project the environmental aspect in all the spaces of the club and adding practices and tools to the making of the institution.”

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Let us remember that this sports institution has been part of the Environmental Council for more than 7 years, and this is the third time that it has made contributions of specimens, among other environmental action initiatives that it carries out.

Also present were Estefania Mandril, Coordinator of the Municipal Public Library, and Antonela Kern, Head of Environmental Education at the IDSR.

And taking into account that the environmental legislation section was inaugurated in the library last year, and that many of the copies were linked to the subject, Mabel Eusebio, president of the Rafaela Bar Association, was present.

The 9 de Julio Club donated 10 new titles to add to the more than 60 that are already available at the “Lermo Rafael Balbi” Municipal Library.


The environmental library is a proposal of the Club 9 de Julio, supported and implemented by the IDSR, aimed at readers motivated by ecological, urban, environmental and sustainable themes. This initiative has been carried out for 4 years and more and more copies about our environment are being added for those who wish to learn and consult.

In addition to discussing the more than 60 books on the same subject that are already in the environmental library, a special space within the municipal library, they took the opportunity to discuss the importance of linking the environment and sport, to incorporate values ​​such as respect, awareness and care into children.


. SUMMA AMBIENTAL by Néstor Cafferatta from Editorial Abeledo Perrot, volumes I, II and III. Four copies.

. The Sustainable Development Goals by Monserrat Vargas Vergara and Lourdes Aragón from Octaedro Publishing.

Fundamentals of private law by Ricardo Luis Lorenzetti from Editorial La Ley.

. The Sentence of Ricardo Luis Lorenzetti by Rubinzal – Culzoni Publishing House.

. Hydrogen Magazine 2023 of the Argentine Hydrogen Association. Digital.

Hydrogen Thursday. Government of Rio Negro. Digital.

. Green hydrogen Rio Negro. Government of Rio Negro. Digital.



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