The (much) cheaper air conditioning trick to cool your car after you’ve …

If your car is always too hot, use this trick that will save you money on air conditioning: it really works.

One of the great problems of summer is the infernal heat that hits the cities and that affects more than anywhere else, the cars parked and left inevitably in the sun for hours and hours. We get into the car and we burn ourselves on the seat and we suffocate from the hellish temperature that was created inside the passenger compartment. So we turn on the air conditioning at full power, spending a lot of money and also risking catching a cold.

Foolproof trick to cool your car –

Here comes to our rescue a foolproof trick to cool down your car in a short time, in the minutes before our departure, without turning on the air conditioning, thus saving a lot of money. What you will spend for this trick, in fact, will be less than fifty cents. If you don’t believe it: here’s how it works and why it will be the turning point for those who suffer from the heat in the summer.

Foolproof trick to cool your car without opening the air conditioning: it only costs 50 cents

Air conditioning is useful for cooling the car interior during the hottest days of the year, when all other methods fail and you can’t even hope to benefit from the outside air, which is hot. But have the air conditioning on in the car constantly, however, is not always a good idea: it spends a lot of money and you risk draining your car battery and it is not entirely healthy, risking getting bad colds and fevers that you would never want to have in the summer.

hot car makeupWith this trick the car will always be fresh –

But to really save money and not even turn on the air conditioning, you can take advantage of a fundamental feature of the machine: it is a small space that cools easily even with the smallest fans. Here’s that a 50 cent mini-fan may be the solution you need.

If it cannot work at home due to the size of the rooms and the presence of windows, a small room without air exchange like that of a car, it only needs a good exchange of air. There are some very convenient ones that can also be attached to the car’s internal fans.

All you need is a small fan that you can find on Amazon or in physical stores without spending a fortune, it will provide you with the ventilation you need to breathe again, without ever turning on the air conditioning but using the movement of air produced by the fan. During the night or during the cooler hours, then, take advantage of the lower outside temperature by lowering the windows to cool the interior of the car.



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