The moving goodbye to Sofía Delgado: this Saturday the community gathered to say goodbye to her – El Colombiano

Candelaria‘s Heart Touched by a Tragedy: Saying Goodbye to Sofía Delgado

Well, it seems we’ve got a story that would make even Wallace and Gromit shed a tear. Candelaria has been punched right in the feels after losing 12-year-old Sofía Delgado in what can only be described as a heinous act that’s dropped a nuclear bomb on the community’s spirit. Thousands gathered at La Aldea coliseum—an arena usually reserved for dodgy wrestling matches, not mourning—a fitting metaphor for the twisted world we live in.

Sofía was last seen on September 29, leaving her grandmother’s house in La Victoria. Little did she know, that day was about as innocent as a fox in a henhouse. Brayan Campo, 32 years old and about as charming as a wet sock, lured her in with the promise of gifts for her pets. Honestly, you’d think the guy would have had the decency to ask for a puppy or a kitten first, but noooo, he went straight for the bait.

The tragedy only deepens from here, folks. Reports reveal that Campo didn’t just take her innocence with a promise—no, he took a shovel too, which he apparently thought would help him with his “overzealous gardening”. During the ‘operation’, he delivered a fatal blow to Sofía’s head and disposed of her body like he was discarding last week’s leftovers. He then made a leisurely trip on his motorcycle to hide the evidence in a sugarcane field—because if you’re going to commit murder, you might as well do it with flair.

In the aftermath, the community’s devastation is palpable. One neighbor, candle in hand, aptly described it as “heartbreaking.” And you know what? It is. It’s indescribably tragic that someone could commit such a vile act against an innocent girl. Clearly, there’s a special place in hell reserved for individuals like Campo—right next to those who refuse to use their turn signal while driving.

The community has rallied together, united over this horrific loss, with many attending the coliseum to say a final goodbye to their young neighbor and demand justice. When a crowd of 3,000 people is united against one disturbed individual, you know the stakes are high. It’s not often you see that many folks together unless there’s a free buffet involved.

And speaking of justice, Campo was apprehended on October 16 after a brief rendezvous with law enforcement. His list of charges includes aggravated femicide and kidnapping—thankfully, he decided to ‘confess’ before his arraignment. I say thankfully because admitting guilt should be a walk in the park compared to facing an enraged community that’s been robbed of its future. He could be looking at upwards of 50 years in prison, which seems quite lenient considering he thought he was above the law—a true example of how delusions can lead you to do dangerous things.

As I wrap this up, let’s take a moment to reflect on how this news is a stark reminder of the importance of community and the devastating effects of crime. Sofía’s dreams were extinguished far too soon, and one can only hope that justice prevails and her family finds some semblance of peace in the midst of their shattered world. So here’s to Sofía, a bright light snuffed out too soon, and hopefully, a future where such tragedies become a distant memory. Remember folks, at the end of the day, hug your loved ones a little tighter and remember—life is fragile, and we’re all just one shovel away from a nightmare.

Let’s keep the conversation going about safety and community. After all, this is not just a tragedy; it’s a call to action! #JusticeForSofía

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Candelaria continues to mourn while they say goodbye to Sofía Delgado. Since the night of this Friday, October 18, the La Aldea coliseum became the meeting place for more than 3,000 people, who came to say goodbye to Sofía, the 12-year-old girl who was brutally murdered.

Sadness was in the air, and the tears of the community reflected the pain for the loss of the girl who was deprived of her dreams, apparently, by Brayan Campo.

Sofía’s murder occurred on September 29 when, after leaving her grandmother’s house in the La Victoria neighborhood, she mysteriously disappeared. That day, Campo, 32, tricked her with the promise of giving her things for her pets. Without knowing it, Sofía fell into the trap of the man who He had already been investigated since 2018 for the alleged rape of a minor.

The kidnapping and murder of Sofía has caused commotion throughout the country, especially in the community of Candelaria, in Valle del Cauca, where the minor was from.

The reports revealed that the girl was hit on the head with a shovel inside the premises where Campo took her with lies. He hid his body in sacks and He traveled on a motorcycle to some cane fields located on the road that connects Candelaria with Florida, in Valle del Cauca.

“The community is hurt. “It’s heartbreaking to know that someone could do this to an innocent girl,” commented one of Sofía’s neighbors, who was holding a candle while looking at the minor’s coffin.

The pain of the parents, Cristian Delgado and Lady Zúñiga, is indescribable, but The support of the inhabitants of Candelaria has been felt. The municipal coliseum was the place where thousands of people gathered to say goodbye to Sofía and to ask for justice for the crime.

Brayan Campo, The confessed murderer was captured on October 16 by the Sijín of the Cali Metropolitan Police. During the arraignment hearing, accepted his responsibility in the crimes of aggravated femicide, aggravated simple kidnapping and concealment of evidence, among others. He faces a possible sentence of between 45 and 50 years in prison.



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