The movie “Requiem” is released today, four highlights tell about family bonds jqknews

On March 25, it was co-produced by the Chinese and Japanese teams, starring Wei Zi, Chen Jin, Qiang Yu, Luan Leiying, Zhang Li, and Shan Guanchao.Warm drama “Requiem”Officially landed on the national theater line. The film released the “Today’s Release” poster and a word-of-mouth special. In the poster, Weizi’s eyes were calm and sad, with great visual impact; the production special released subsequently recorded the film from the script meeting to the finalization, and the two teams in front of the stage. Every stage of collaboration behind the scenes. With the national release, the four major highlights of the film were also revealed one by one.

Aspect 1: Expounding the Chinese-style father-son relationship and interpreting the father’s love as a mountain

The movie “Requiem” tells a story about longing and love through a pair of father and son who are concerned about each other and become increasingly estranged. The parents were heartbroken when their son was taken away by the disease. In the midst of self-blame and pain, his father Tang Dao (played by Wei Zi) began to reflect on his own shortcomings in dealing with the father-son relationship and the “defilement” in his personal mind. Talk to your son to appease his soul, and express guilt to find peace in his soul.

The film accurately depicts the delicate emotions between a Chinese father and son: the son is respectful and respectful to the father, and the father, as a symbol of family authority, has a strict and demanding attitude towards the child. After losing his son, the high-spirited father became vulnerable overnight. Father’s love is like a mountain. Father’s love is often silent, but it contains implicit and deep love.

The movie

The movie

Aspect 2: Focusing on Frustrated Parents Repaying Their Pain with Songs

In recent years, there have been many films about family love, but there are very few issues about how to face death. This film focuses on a group of special parents. As the original author Zhou Daxin said: This is a film dedicated to parents who lost their children due to illness and accidental disasters all over the world. Today, when the new crown virus is raging all over the world, and many young people around the world have been killed, it is of special significance at a time when many parents are desperate to die.

“Requiem” hopes to use such a story as a typical example, to bring spiritual comfort to those frustrated parents who are shrouded in haze, so as to get back on their feet and face a new life-life will not be interrupted because of the loss of our loved ones, and it will end One day we will be reunited with our loved ones.

The movie

The movie

Aspect 3: The powerful lineup sits in Weizi and Chen Jin collides with sparks

Since the opening of the film in China and Japan, the performance of the leading actors has attracted much attention. Two powerful actors, Wei Zi and Chen Jin, are playing together on the same stage, which can make people immerse in the plot to a great extent. After the film “Requiem” was screened in Japan earlier, experts in the Japanese literary circles and critics were full of praise for the two actors. In the film, Wei Zi uses subtle expressions and body language to portray a strong and rigid father in the early stage, and a lost old man in the later stage. The contrast between the characters is awe-inspiring. Chen Jin, who plays the role of mother Hu Ruiying, is relaxed and has a good grasp of her mother’s feelings of relief, despair, and rationality.

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The movie

The movie

Aspect 4: China and Japan join hands to witness the long-lasting friendship between the two countries

It is worth mentioning that the film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Zhou Daxin, a Henan military writer and winner of the Mao Dun Literature Award. This film is adapted from a local literary work in Henan, shot locally in Henan, and jointly created by the Chinese and Japanese teams. It not only highlights the sincerity of the filmmakers to polish the high-quality products through transnational cooperation, but also on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomacy. A testimony to the friendship between China and Japan.

The film is produced by Henan Film and Television Production Group Co., Ltd., Bingde Xingyuan Film and Television Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd., PAL Film Co., Ltd. (Japan), Ohara Shenma (Beijing) Film and Television Culture Development Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Juli Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., Produced by Beijing Yizhongdao Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. and distributed by Bingde Xingyuan Film and Television Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and Beijing Zama Film Culture Co., Ltd., the film is currently being shown. Welcome to the cinema to experience this family bond.

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