the motorist pleads accident, his police custody extended by 24 hours

Paris Cycling Tragedy: A Motorist’s Dilemma

Well, folks, gather round for what is becoming a rather tragic tale straight from the streets of Paris – where love is in the air, traffic violations are in the water, and someone’s definitely going to need a bigger insurance policy! On October 15, a motorist allegedly took his SUV for a joyride over a cyclist after what appears to be a very heated altercation. Spoiler alert: it didn’t end well for the cyclist, who has since tragically passed away.

In the aftermath, our motorist, aged 52, is now getting a protracted stay in police custody with an extension of 24 hours—because, why not? I mean, good luck producing alibis when you’ve got a big chunk of metal you were steering. He claims it was all an accident—lovely shout-out to the court for providing the twist in an already unexpected plot!

The Graver Side of the Story

The authorities are pulling out the big guns here, questioning our SUV pilot on murder charges after the death of the poor 27-year-old cyclist. Yes, you heard it right—murder. Now that’s a bit of a leap, isn’t it? But had the motorist thought upgrading to a compact city car rather than that gas-guzzler might have helped? Nature’s way of telling you to downsize, perhaps!

According to the latest gossip from the police station, the cyclist was merely trying to enjoy a night ride—nothing says evening relaxation like a little pedal power on Boulevard Malesherbes. But alas, our motorist, stuck in what he described as the “traffic equivalent of purgatory”, attempted to expedite his journey… on the cycle lane of all places. He seems to have confused ‘fast’ with ‘fatal’—not the kind of GPS misdirection one wants on a Tuesday night!

“Screaming His Innocence!”

Lawyers are known for their eloquence, but this one sounds like he missed a few lessons in clarity. “My client screamed his innocence!” Well, I’m screaming ‘goes like a bull in a china shop’! The motorist allegedly claimed he was on his way to a medical appointment for his daughter, caught in a traffic dilemma that made him consider that one-way ticket to cyclist oblivion. Flustered and angry, the cyclist banged on the SUV, prompting the motorist to “immediately take a step backward.” Now there’s a solid defense—step backward, forward, or straight over someone? You’re beautiful at excuses, darling, but let’s not kid ourselves!

The lawyer dished out some impressive stats as well—150,000 km a year? Clearly, this guy was doing his part in fossil fuel production. Almost all his license points intact too, just eight out of twelve—let’s just hope he wasn’t evading traffic cameras like demons at an exorcism!

What’s Next?

As this ordeal continues, the Paris prosecutor’s office has the rather unenviable task of determining the future of our rear-end SUV enthusiast. They’re considering criminal charges while he sits there thinking, “How did my Wednesday go so wrong?” One can only speculate what the courts will decide: will there be judicial investigations, or will this just slip through the cracks like cyclists often do in Paris?

So there you have it, folks! A blend of quick thinking, poor judgment, and sadly, a fatal accident that’s left a sour taste in the mouth of the cycling community. You can’t run someone over and then claim traffic woes. The wheels of justice will surely turn, and we’ll all be sitting on the edge of our seats waiting for the next dramatic chapter in this Parisian saga. 🚴‍♂️🚗

Alexandra Gonzalez with Alicia Foricher reporting.

INFO BFMTV. The motorist is suspected of having run over a cyclist with his SUV in Paris on Tuesday October 15 after an altercation. He pleads the accident and his police custody is extended by 24 hours this Wednesday, October 16.

The police custody of the motorist questioned for murder, after the death of a 27-year-old cyclist in the capital, was extended by 24 hours by the Paris prosecutor’s office this Wednesday, October 16 in the evening.

According to our information, a single hearing took place this Wednesday by investigators, during which the suspect pleaded guilty to the fatal accident. Others must take place on Thursday October 17 before his probable appearance before an investigating judge.

The motorist “screams his innocence”

According to the first elements of the investigation, the cyclist was on Boulevard Malesherbes on a cycle path not separated from the rest of the road when the motorist cut him off and caused him to fall. According to testimonies, the 52-year-old motorist ran over the cyclist’s foot. The man on the two-wheeler got up and banged on the hood of the SUV to show his anger.

In police custody, the motorist “collapsed and screamed his innocence” on the intentional side, details his lawyer, contacted by BFMTV. “He was going to a medical appointment for his 16-year-old daughter, and stuck in traffic, he wanted to go faster by taking the cycle lane. The cyclist then hit the hood, then screamed saying that “He rolled over his foot. My client immediately took a step backwards,” explains the lawyer.

It was at that moment that he ran over him, almost instantly causing the death of the young man, aged 27. “My client, who was with his daughter on board, immediately got out of the car to help the cyclist when he realized what had just happened, and he tried to resuscitate him. He would never have intentionally driven over someone “one”, asserts forcefully the lawyer, who describes a technical-sales father, who does “nearly 150,000 km per year, but had almost all his license points”. According to a police source at BFMTV, 8 out of 12 points.

The motorist, who spent the night in police custody, will be questioned again on Thursday by investigators from the 1st judicial police district.

The Paris prosecutor’s office will then have to decide on the legal action to be taken in this case, probably with the opening of a judicial investigation and the presentation of the suspect to an investigating judge.

Alexandra Gonzalez with Alicia Foricher



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